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Agenda: Hill County Park Board

Hill County Park Board will meet at the Timmons Rooms in the Hill County Courthouse Monday, Nov. 2, starting at 5:30 p.m.

1. Approval of minutes; 2. Approval of agenda;

3. Guests and public comments on agenda items only;

4. Cabin business;

5. Old business: Lodge repairs discussion; Rules and Regulation Committee update; Blackie Coulee update; Lions Campground update; Lions Campground pavilion funding; Cabin inspections; Dark Skies; Beaver ecology discussion;

6. New business: Park apparel logo;

7. Cabin Owner’s Association Report

8. Hill County Parks Foundation

9. Friends of Beaver Creek

10. Superintendent Report

11. Claims:

12. Public comment on anything pertaining to Hill County Parks.

Next Park Board meeting is Monday, Dec. 7. Deadline for December agenda items is noon Nov. 27.


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