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Local Bowling Report: Good turnout for State Seniors

Ten Pin Chatter

After two weekends of the Montana State Senior Tournament at Hi Line Lanes, the current standings are as follows for six-line singles:

Super Senior Open, Handicapped: 1. Merle H. Christianson, 2. Clay Croff, 3. David A Pirker, 4. Don H. Jones; Super Senior Women, Handicapped: 1. Peggy E. Reller, 2. Char Erwin, 3. Doris Howard; A Open, Handicapped: 1. James Watkins, 2. Danne M. Showers; A Women Handicapped: 1. Jane V Shaff, 2. Ruth A. Sparkel, 3. Carole L. McNulty, 4. Faye Brubaker; B Open, Handicapped: 1. Glenn Huestis, 2. Larry Thomas, 3, Byron J. Eggum; B Women Handicapped: 1. Dianne L. Kramarich, 2. Raye Shaw, 3. Margaret Solheim; C Open, Handicapped: 1. Karen Bockemuehl, 2. Roger W. Gray Sr., 3. Thomas Balzarini; C Women, Handicapped: 1. Kathy Stiles, 2. Ann Roberts, 3. Marilynn Opennington; D Open, Handicapped: 1. Dewayne A. Rosman, 2. Gary F. Henderson, 3. Clifford Huff; D Women, Handicapped: 1. Susan Hunter, 2. Julie Rodgers, 3. Patricia Domonoske; E Open, Handicapped: 1. Robert Azure, 2. Gregory F. Tilleman, 3. Parris M. Pewonka; E Women Handicapped: 1. Linda Azure, 2. Sandra M. Bailey, 3. Lisa M. Corbett.

There has been an excellent turnout state wide so far. We, have had bowlers from Thompson Falls to Plentywood, south to Yuma, Arizona and north to Scobey. However local entries have been a little on the light side. There is one more weekend left and time to enter. Call the lanes or Shawn Mariani at 265-4718 to reserve your spot. One of the highlights so far has been the 299 game shot by Julie Rodgers. Also, a 279 by Karen Bockemuehl of Bozeman.

Junior Bowling sign-up is Sunday, Oct. 25, at 1 p.m., and they start bowling Nov. 2.

Bowlers are asked to fill out recap sheets by putting first and last names down on the sheets and finish filling out the sheets by writing down all scores and write down all splits that are picked up.

SUNDAY KEGLERS: WOMEN: K. Hall 179; D. Tilleman 210, 526; Jeania S. 184, 503; MEN: B. Crowder 208; R. Surber 204, 585, 215, 578; M. Breum 203; S. Burrington 211, B. Dougherty 202. 1st place is 3 Ball and A. Split. SPLITS: B. Berreth 2-4-10; D. Tilleman 5-8-10.

WOMEN’S CITY: D. Tilleman 181, 491; J. Mayer 214, 579; B. Fladager 180; D. Friede 170, 489; T. Omlie 179. SPLITS: D. Tilleman 3-10. Ist place is Independence Bank.

MEN’S CITY: Diversified Surveying 1113, 3189; J. McDonald 238, 623; K. Olson 245, 666; N. Turner 245, 635, 213, 591; K. Riska 244, 607; J. McDonald 238, 623; R. Mapes 236, 591; D. Wolf 226, 605, 230, 578; B. Cornelius 222, 621; R. Turner224, 605;S. Burrington 220, 214, 603; D. Person 219, 202; B. Preeshl 212; R. Surber 210, 212; K. Fanning 203; J. Shulund 200; S. Mariani 229, 638; D. Linderman 223, 579; C. Thompson 214; R. Brown 214; P. Jensen 212; S. Holden 210, 579; J. Burrington 200. SPLITS: C. Winsor 4-7-10.

THURSDAY MORNING HOUSEWIVES: T. Vergloegen 208; J. Rodgers 201, 541, 204, 574. 1st place is Havre Hardware and Shamrocks.

THURSDAY MIXERS: Women: D. Watson 193, 180, 532; K. Young 174; MEN: D. Watson 192, 502; C. Wimmer 201, 533, 196, 534; E. Mullner; 224; C. Pappas 198, 557; A. Owens 191.

HIGHS FOR THE WEEK: Jackie Mayer 2114, 579; Kelly Olson 245, 666.

K-Lines in Rudyard

K-lines high team series: Donoven Spreading, 2253; K-lines high team score: Donoven Spreading, 810; K-lines high game: Dale Miller 224, 496; K-lines games 200 and over: Lyle Petersen, 220; Dale Miller, 224; Gavin Spinler, 203: Greg Spinler, 212; Paul McClendon, 203; K-lines 3 game series 500 and over: Lyle Petersen, 220, 552; Gordon Standiford, 190, 532: Greg Spinler, 212, 525; Gavin Spinler, 203, 509; Todd Langel, 194, 509

Wednesday Womens  K-lines

High Handicap Game: Pink Ladies, 413; High Handicap Series: Moon Strikers, 1151: High Handicap Game: Sonja Dahlen, 234: High Handicap Series: Sonja Dahlen, 614; High Scratch Game Team: Moon Strikers, 276; High Scratch Series Team: Moon Strikers, 743; High Scratch Game: Sonja Dahlen, 150; High Scratch Series: Betty Marshall, 385.


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