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Agenda: Havre City Council

Havre City Council will meet at 7 p.m. Monday at city hall.

The agenda:

• Call to Order

• Pledge of Allegiance

• Roll call

• Minutes 

• Committee reports

• Public comment on regular agenda items 1 through 5 only. For items not on this agenda, public comment will be taken at the end of the agenda.  Comments offered  here are limited to one minute.

  • Regular agenda

1. Bear Paw Development — waste water project update and drawdown.

2. Resolution No. 3719  —  A resolution assessing a special property tax against certain property in the city of Havre for failure to pay a reasonable charge for nuisance weed control on their property under the authority of Section 9-6-7 of the Havre city codes.

3. Resolution No. 3720  —  A resolution authorizing the finance director to cancel warrants more than one year old.

4. Consideration of easement on city property for a cathodic deep well by NorthWestern Energy.

5. Consideration of Great West Engineering contract amendment to include design and construction services for the Bullhook storm water system improvements.

  • Council initatives 

• Public comment on non-agenda items  —  Limited to any public matter within the jurisdiction of the city council not on this agenda. Comments here are limited to three minutes.

• Adjourn

  Additional information on any of these items is available in the city clerk’s office.

Next meeting  — Oct. 5  

An information meeting will be held directly following the regular council meeting concerning the mill levy ballot issue.


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