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Flap over booze breaks out at council

The proposal to allow alcohol during Sounds on the Square prompted another controversy at Monday night's City Council meeting.

Havre resident Val Murri said he was concerned about the council's decision to allow alcohol to be consumed during the weekly concert on Town Square.

A stir was caused after Havre police charged a man for violation of the city's open container ordinances because he was drinking alcohol during the concert.

Leaders of the Havre Area Chamber of Commerce, which sponsors the concert, appeared before City Council two weeks ago to protest, and the council agreed to a special-use permit to allow people to drink at the concert for the remainder of the season, which ends Wednesday night. Over the winter, the city and the Chamber are to try to come up with a long-term solution.

Murri said the concert was a family affair, and he was concerned that "things could get out of hand."

"What if someone gets drunk?" he asked.

Council member Andrew Brekke, who favored the compromise deal with the Chamber, said intoxicated people can be arrested.

But council member Brian Barrows, who opposed the special use permit, said he had heard opposition from the public to the special use permit, and they were concerned about comments that allowing drinking at the concert would help young people learn to drink responsibly.

He said some people have suggested that the council suspend the city's cellphone ordinance at lunchtime each day for Havre High School students could speed to Domino's Pizza or McDonald's and save time during the lunch hour.

"That would teach them to drive with a cellphone responsibly," he said facetiously.

Brekke was not amused and said it was inappropriate to poke fun at a civic organization that was conducting a popular event.

"I don't think we should be laughing at them," he said.

Brekke said he was hopeful that an agreement could be reached that would be acceptable to law enforcement and be pleasing to the Chamber so the concerts could continue.


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