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2015 ornament features Northern Ag Research Center

Special to the Havre Daily News

The Havre/Hill County Preservation Commission selected Fort Assinniboine and the Northern Agricultural Research Center for its annual historic Christmas ornament this year.

NARC celebrated its 100th anniversary July 1.

The research center, part of the Montana State University College of Agriculture, was created using part of the land and some of the buildings of Fort Assinniboine, first garrisoned in 1879 and decommissioned in 1911.

Part of the annual Field Day at the research center included presenting complimentary, unnumbered ornaments to some honored guests who attended the event.

NARC supplemented the cost of the ornaments on sale this year, so all proceeds are able to go toward a fund geared toward community preservation efforts. This year only 100 numbered, limited-edition ornaments are for sale - $20 - at the Havre Area Chamber of Commerce.

The preservation commission also is offering a promotional summer special for previously issued ornaments.

Previous years have featured:

• The former Havre post office and federal court house

• St. Mark's Episcopal Church

• Donaldson Hall at Montana State University-Northern.

The commission is offering a special price for the remainder of those ornaments. People can buy two of the three for $30.

The regular price is $20 each.

Ornaments may be purchased at the Chamber office. The $20-for-2 offer excludes the 2015 ornament.


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