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I am appalled to live in a world where every four or eight years we are bound by the laws of the republic to chose a man or a woman — black, white, Asian, Latino, Native American, Mexican-American, any sexual orientation and just whatever else I’ve left out which is surely not intentional.
And out of this group of people we allow them to try and sway our vote by calling names and Tweeting words that only hurt people and further denigrate the younger generation into believing that these are the people who will live at 1600 Pennsylvania Ave. and uphold the laws of the land and be our representative.
And I will not allow myself to be taken down the road of having to name these so-called Americans who call themselves leaders. I do not call out everyone at this point, but this general election is over a year away and there won’t be any mud left to throw in the end because most of is already out. Yes, I know who you are as I listen to the news and read online.
I am embarrassed for the good part of you. I am embarrassed to say I am an American some days, but this a fleeting thought because I do want what’s best for the work that needs to be done every day in our democracy.
To call names about spouses of the candidates, to single out people who you call rapists, to hold a candidate accountable to actions other than their own, to use despicable language and to denigrate other personal choices when it has nothing to do with the office of the president was not what our Founding Fathers thought of.
No I am not naive enough to think that this behavior will probably stop any time soon, but I needed to get it off my chest.
I wish one candidate would call me or perhaps do one better, just run an election that will benefit all of the people, not just what you think will help you get elected.
Ricky Magnussen
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