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Our View: North Central Montana Transit is worth the money

North Central Montana Transit is looking for testimonials in an effort to get next year's funding.

We hope local governments and Hi-Line residents are generous in providing the letters of endorsement. We can’t think of any new program in recent years that has had the impact that the bus service has provided to all parts of the Hi-Line.

The bus has brought thousands of people from as far away as Fort Belknap into Havre for doctor’s appointments, shopping, college classes and a lot more. And taken Havre residents to all reaches of the transit line.

It has made life easier for people who can’t afford cars, who are unable to drive, whose cars have broke down or who just plain want someone else to do the driving.

For all the advantages of living in remote parts of the Hi-Line, it is difficult for poor people, the elderly and a host of others to get to the vital services they need.

Havre schools, colleges, medical facilities and businesses appreciate the work the bus service because it brings their customers into the city.

The bus service has brought the communities of the Hi-Line closer together, and has opened its service to provide transportation around the city, a program we hope will expand as time goes on.

The service has made living in a rural area a lot easier and we hope that it will grow, providing more transproation services as time goes on.

There are lots of criticisms about government programs, and some indeed are boondoggles, but if you want to see government money spent well, take a look at North Central Montana Transit.


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