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From My Neighbor in Need
The website is a website that provides local citizens a way to ask for help from their community and a way for the community to give back.
If you are in need of help, please contact My Neighbor in Need at 406-301-3919 or go to
Recently fulfilled need:
“Dear My Neighbor in Need,
I am an elderly woman on Social Security and I have some medical issues that require physical therapy, however, it is difficult for me to get to therapy due to my condition. I am in need of an electric teadmill so I could do therapy at home, but there is no way I can afford this. Any help would be wonderful. Thank you.â€
My Neighbor in Need response:
We spoke with the Neighbor in Need and verified her situation. Her request was approved and posted on the website
In a very short time a donor in Great Falls offered to provide her with the needed treadmill but had no way to get it to Havre. A local good-deed-doer volunteered to drive to Great Falls and pick it up and deliver it to the Neighbor in Need. A You Rock award goes out to the donor and to the amazing volunteer.
Recently fulfilled need:
“Dear My Neighbor in Need,
I am very happy to tell you that I have found work. The problem is it is very difficult to find a way to get to my new job. I am in need of a transit punch card. I expect to be able to afford the cost of this once I start getting a paycheck, but right now I don’t have the required $20 to buy the punch card. Thank you very much.â€
My Neighbor in Need response:
We spoke with her and verified her situation. She gave us permission to contact her new employer to confirm her job status. All was confirmed and her need was posted online as well as featured in the Havre Daily News.
A nearby donor contributed the $20 so we could provide her with the needed passes. We wish her well with her new job and we say thank you to the donor who helped a Neighbor in Need.
Recently fulfilled need:
“Dear My Neighbor in Need,
I am an elderly lady with two cats. These cats are my family, and I am in great need of some cat food. Normally I can make ends meet each month, but I had an unexpected expense and now with 10 days to go before I get my Social Security check, I am out of money and they are almost out of food. Thank you.â€
My Neighbor in Need response:
In addition to My Neighbor in Need and My Student in Need, we also have the Free Pet Food Pantry. All three community projects are housed in our offices at 419 6th Ave. — across from the Havre Community Pool.
After confirming the details of the request, we were able to provide free cat food for her pets in need. A big thank-you goes out to Walmart for providing free pet food to our organization.â€
To help or to request help
If you would like to help, visit and open up the Current Needs tab. Find a need request and click on the Fulfill This Need button. Or you can call 406-301-3919 and tell us how you would like to help. Financial need donations are made directly to the business that will fulfill the need.
Send financial donations to My Neighbor in Need 419 6th Ave. Havre MT 59501. Remember to make checks payable to My Neighbor in Need — an approved, 501(c)3 tax exempt organization. Your donation is tax deductible.
Request help at by completing the Request a Need form and clicking submit. If you do not have Internet access, call 406-301-3919, or mail a request to MNIN, 419 6th Ave., Havre, MT 59501. In your written request, provide contact information, including a description of the need.
The operational costs are underwritten by sponsorship from Montana Farmers Union and our Partners in Dignity. Don’t forget to like us on our Facebook page for updates and the latest information.
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