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Bullhook Bottoms black powder shoot set for this weekend

Bullhook Bottoms Black Powder Club 36th Annual Spring Shoot will be held Memorial Day weekend at Fort Assinniboine southwest of Havre.

This event is one of the largest black powder competitions in the state, said club member Jim Griggs.

For its inaugural year, the shoot was held at the Havre Rifle Club’s course, with a few local black powder enthusiasts participating, Griggs said, but they quickly decided to make the event larger. That’s when it was moved to Fort Assinniboine and advertised in a wider area.

The shoot regularly attracts competitors and visitors from around Montana and into Canada and Wyoming, he said, adding that they average about 100 competitors annually.

With the fort backdrop, shooters of all ages take part in competitive matches and fun shoots over the three-day weekend. Though the weather often can be wet and sometimes even cold with snow over the Memorial Day holiday, black powder shooters are hardy and just keep going, said Griggs.

Participants camp at the fort and vendors offer for sale items in keeping with the theme of the black powder shoot, including leather goods, clothing, knives and black powder supplies.

The event is open to the public at no cost, and everyone is invited to come talk to the participants and maybe, Griggs said, get a chance to shoot a black powder fire arm.

Saturday and Sunday, the range opens at 8 a.m. and competition is 9:30 a.m. to about 6 p.m. Monday, the range opens at 8 a.m. and competition is 9:30 a.m. to about 3 p.m.

For more information, call Griggs or Chamene Plum at 265-7431.


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