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Wilderness Walks kickoff set in Havre

The Montana Wilderness Association, Island Range Chapter, kicks off the 2015 Wilderness Walks program in Havre on Tuesday, May 19, 6 – 8 p.m., at the Triple Dog Brewing Co., 651 1st St. West.

Outdoor enthusiasts will have an opportunity to pick up a free copy of MWA's 2015 Wilderness Walks book. Snacks will be provided along with a chance to win a door prize. A presentation by local hike leaders will feature hikes in the Havre area. In addition, Josh Chase, an archeologist with the Bureau of Land Management, will present on the historic values associated with public lands along the Hi-Line.

This year's Wilderness Walks book includes more than 150 hikes with over 30 in central Montana alone. New to the book are 12 Hi-Line hikes that extend from Camp Disappointment and Two Medicine Encounter near Cut Bank to the Mortarstone Bluffs region near Poplar. In the Havre area, hikes are being led to Mount Otis/Beaver Creek Park, Sweet Grass Hills, Lost River Wildlife Management Area, Upper Missouri Breaks National Monument and other Bureau of Land Management areas. Many old favorites to popular spots are included in the book as well, such as the Rocky Mountain Front, Big Snowy Mountains, Little Belt and Judith Mountains.

Now in its 53rd season, MWA's Wilderness Walks program continues to offer hikers of all ages and experience levels an opportunity to participate in a traditional recreation opportunity while enjoying Montana's quiet beauty and remaining wild places.

Most hikes are on weekends, but the line-up also features several multi-day car camping trips and backpack trips. Included also are opportunities to roll up your sleeves and take part in projects such as trail building and noxious weed eradication. Information on mileage, level of difficulty, elevation gain, and walk highlights are included in the catalog. All outings are free and open to the public, but reservations are required.

Walk participants can visit to find a walk suitable for them and to pre-register online.  The walk leader and participant then receive a confirmation email that highlights both leader and the participant contact information. Through this process, leaders and walkers can connect to double-check that the walk is a good fit and provide any necessary pre-walk information. Directions on how to make a reservation are on page 4 of the Wilderness Walks book.

A free digital version of the Wilderness Walks book can be viewed at and a complete PDF is available for download. A sample copy of the book and flyers that list the hikes are also available at the Bureau of Land Management office in Lewistown.

For more Information:

• Terri Hildebrand, hike leader, Havre, 265-3700 ext. 3329; [email protected]

• Jim Brenna, hike leader, Havre, 265-5382

• Mark Good, field director, Great Falls 406-453-9434; [email protected]


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