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Celebrating History: Busy time in Havre and Hill County

Emily Mayer

Havre and Hill County continued to be very busy according to the newspapers 100 years ago. The Hill County Democrat's April 24, 1915 issue had some news on the new courthouse under the "Commissioners Proceedings" column. Here is an excerpt of that column:

... Notice is hereby given that a Special Meeting of the Board of County Commissioners of Hill County Montana will be held on the 14th and 15th days of April 1915, for the examination and final acceptance of Court House Plans, call for bids for construction of court house and any other business in connection with Court House site or construction of Court House appointment of Justice of the Peace and Constables.

The Board spent the day in examination and checking up Court House Plans with the Architect.

The Board adjourned at 5:00 p.m. ...

April 15, 1915: The Board met at 10:00 a.m. all members present and continued the examination and checking of the Court House Plans...

...Upon motion made by Berthelote and seconded by Mr. Crosson and unanimously carried, that the Court House and Jail plans and specifications as now drawn by F. F. Bossout the duly appointed Architect for Hill County on this work, be now and are hereby finally approved and that the Clerk be and is hereby directed to advertise for bids for the construction thereof....

The column went on to the proposals that had been in last week's paper for bids for wiring, plumbing and construction of the courthouse. The Democrat further commented:

It will not be long ere we can see the commencement of Hill county's big court-house. It will be a thing of beauty.

The news wasn't all good regarding buildings in Havre. The Democrat had this column on its front page:


Fire broke out in the residence of O. W. Carnal yesterday night at 12 o'clock. The fire department made record time in arriving at the scene of the fire and succeeded in saving the building, but much damage was sustained by the contents, which is fully covered by insurance. The cause of the fire is unknown.

Oliver Carnal lived at 502 3rd Ave. at the time. In 1919, it was sold to Joseph Valadon.

On The Havre Plaindealer's front page in its April 24, 1915 issue, we find:


Plans are being drawn for a new business block that will be constructed on First street between Fourth and Fifth avenues by L. K. Devlin. The new building will be 30x70 feet, two stories and full basement, and will join the Bramble building on the west. Mr. Devlin states that actual work on the building will begin within the next thirty days.

Arsee's "Society" column was full of fun activities. Here is one of them:

Little Boys' Party

Mrs. A. L. Ritt entertained a company of little folks Saturday afternoon in honor of her little son Albert's seventh birthday. A birthday supper was served at five and this pleasure was shared by eight of the playmates of Master Albert. The birthday cake with its seven lighted candles was used as a centerpiece for the dining table and covers were placed for Winston Doyle, Alvin Lucke, Robert Hanson, Morris Neshine, Francis Black, Jack Boles, Gordon Halverson and Douglas Hutchinson.

In 1915, the Ritt family lived at 817 3rd Ave.

Things were happening in Box Elder and Hingham. From The Box Elder Valley Press' April 23, 1915 issue, we find:

M. E. Ladies Aid Meeting.

The Ladies Aid of the M. E. church met at the Bear Paw hotel on Thursday afternoon with Mrs. W. C. White as hostess. About thirty were present to partake of Mrs. White's bountiful hospitality. Prof. Bovee furnished piano music and a very pleasant social time was enjoyed. The president announced that two lots for the parsonage had been donated to the church by Cowan & Son. Some plans were discussed for giving a May Day ice cream social in the near future. The next meeting of the Aid will be held at the home of Mrs. W. T. Cowan on Thursday, May 6.

In the Hingham Review's paper of the same date, we find:

The new home of the Commercial club has been remodeled and is a nice looking structure.

The stones which were taken from the edge of the walks in the park are being utilized in the foundation of the new Thos. Sedivy building. The foundation to this building is begun and it will be 48x48 ft.


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