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Fair board introduces new member, discusses new manager position

The Great Northern Fair Board welcomed a new member and heard updates concerning the fairgrounds manager position during a meeting held Monday.

Karla Vaughn was introduced as a new member of the fair board.

Mike Sharp, the interim fairgrounds manager began his 90-day contract April 2.

Paul McCann, a board member, made a motion that the Fair Manager Contract Committee update the status of fairgrounds manager as a county employee, and redefine the job description and compensation package.

“We’re running out of 90 days,” he said.

The board collectively approved this motion.

The Fair Manager Contract Committee within the board will continue discussing this matter at the next meeting.

Alma Seidel, chair of the board, said the Blue Horizon 4-H club will be serving a free dinner for 25 to 30 residents at the Northern Montana Care Center April 25 at 5 p.m.

“It’s a highlight for them, because there’s a lot of them that are former 4-H leaders,” she said. “We’re going to be doing beef stew with homemade buns — everybody makes a different dessert.”

The next fair board meeting is scheduled for April 21 at 5:30 p.m. at the Hill County Courthouse.


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