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Special Olympics representatives will be selling raffle tickets at Gary & Leo's Fresh Foods Saturday from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. for the Special Olympics-Montana 21st Annual Chevy Raffle.
This year, a 2015 Chevrolet Silverado will be the main prize.
Shaylee Lewis, area director of the Great Northern Area of Special Olympics-Montana and a special education teacher at Havre High School, said 80 percent of the proceeds will be used to send local Olympians to Special Olympics-Montana in May.
“Eighty percent of the funds stay right here in Havre for our athletes … the (other) 20 percent goes to the state office which helps fund the actual state event,” she said.
Lewis added that her group sends about 20 participants from the Havre area to the state competition.
“We also have the area games here which is April 29. That’s where 85 of our area athletes will compete here in Havre,” she said.
Lewis has been working with Special Olympics for the past 11 years. Her favorite part about being involved is the athletes and “seeing how much impact that Special Olympics has in their lives."
The raffle will take place May 22 in Missoula during the last day of the 2015 Special Olympics — Montana State Summer Games.
Raffle tickets are $5 each. Lewis added that tickets can be purchased after Saturday as well.
For more information, call Lewis at 265-6731, ext. 6232.
Other Prizes:
Runner-Up: Disney Vacation for a family of four — Travel Cafe, Delta Airlines and Disney
2nd Prize: $1,000 gift card — Town Pump
3rd Prize: $1,000 gift card — Murdoch’s Ranch & Home Supply
4th Prize: Four tires (up to a $750 value) — Tire-Rama
5th Prize: $500 gift card — Bob Ward & Sons
6th Prize: $500 gift card — Scheels
7th Prize: Year’s supply of pizza for five winners — Montana Pizza Hut stores
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