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Students compete in science fair at Northern

The Hi-Line Regional Science and Engineering Fair had more than 100 hypotheses proven valid or incorrect at Montana State University-Northern Tuesday.

Madison Reichelt took first overall in the science fair. Caleb and Julia Meisdalen took second and Gabriella Blatt took third.

Reichelt and the Meisdalens won all-expense paid trips to the Intel International Science and Engineering Fair in Philadelphia May 10-15.

Many schools and towns brought their fiftth- to 12th-graders, including Culbertson, Frontier-Wolf Point, Hinsdale, Saco, Big Sandy, North Star, Turner, Malta, Whitewater and Glasgow.

The fair has been held at MSU-Northern for 24 years. According to a press release, approximately 150 students were to be interviewed by judges several times throughout the day.


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