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Vandals bust vehicle windows downtown

Early this morning, several windows were broken out of vehicles parked in downtown Havre.

The first incident of vandalism the Havre Police Department responded to, according to a call log from the station, was at 12:29 a.m. this morning. An officer stopped on 3rd Avenue and 2nd Street to help someone with busted windows.

A call was then made from an establishment on 1st Street and 2nd Avenue at 2:22 a.m. about someone breaking out a window in the caller's car while it was parked at the establishment. The call log said that no further action was required by the police.

The next incident was reported when the policeman who found the first victim of vandalism found another person on 4th Avenue at 2:43 a.m.

Other people told the Havre Daily that they have seen other vandalized vehicles.

There is no word on how the incidents are connected or if someone has been detained for the crimes. Calls to the police station were not returned before deadline this morning.


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