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Havre Police Department
Officers investigated a 10:59 a.m. Friday call from 7th Street about the calling party’s son being assaulted by a man the night prior.
Officers investigated a 4:59 p.m. Friday report at the police station about a stolen black iPhone 5.
Karol Lee Hudson, 46, was issued a summons after an officers made a motor vehicle stop at 1:54 a.m. Saturday on 5th Avenue for driving under the influence and refusing to test.
Robert Manuel Arellano, 33, of Havre was arrested on charges of criminal contempt and disorderly conduct after officers responded to a 10:08 p.m. Saturday call from a 2nd Street business about a drunk man who was acting weird and swinging at people.
Officers investigated at 12:02 p.m. Sunday call from 2nd Street West about kids who were using some sort of mechanism to throw snowballs at vehicles. The anonymous caller said that one of the balls left a dent in his car door. Officers were unable to find anything.
Officers investigated a 4:30 p.m. Sunday complaint at the police station about money that was stolen out of the complainant's wallet while she was at work.
Officers investigated a 7:58 p.m. Sunday call from 5th Street about a woman that was taking photos of the caller’s children.
Maunaloa Maria Brockie, 35, of Hays was arrested on a Justice or City court warrant after an officer served in to her at 11:51 a.m. Monday on 2nd Street.
Officers investigated a 2:03 p.m. Monday call from 7th Street about the caller’s back driver’s side window of her vehicle being broken.
Officers investigated a 3:17 p.m. Monday call from 11th Street West about a woman going crazy and getting physical.
Officers investigated a 3:48 p.m. Monday call from a 1st Street business about a woman being sent to pick up a prescription for an elderly woman, but when the pills were delivered, some of them were missing.
Steven Allen Stanley, 39, of Box Elder was arrested on a charge of obstructing a peace office and on a Justice or City court warrant after officers responded to a 7:17 p.m. Monday call from a 1st Street West business about the calling party having a customer go into the store and telling her that a man was beating his wife up in the alley behind the store.
Hill County Sheriff’s Office
Jeremy Flint Smith, 26, a homeless man, was arrested Sunday on a charge of criminal mischief and deputies were called to transport him from Rocky Boy Police Department to their custody.
Havre Fire Department
Emergency medical personnel responded to two calls Monday.
Animal Shelter
This morning the shelter held a male black and white Husky, placed Dec. 16, a female calico cat, Jan. 1, a male gray cat, Jan. 4, and a male brown, black and tan husky-mix, Jan. 9.
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