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Task Force plans education, awareness on DUIs

The Hill County DUI task force held a meeting Wednesday, and there were a variety of discussions concerning bringing awareness to DUIs.

Havre Police Chief, Gabe Matosich gave an update on the numbers of DUIs for this past New Year’s Eve.

“New Year’s Eve, there were no DUIs,” he said.

Rich Jespersen, of the Boys & Girls Club of the Hi-Line, said this task force helped sponsor the “Sober & Safe” program over New Years.

“There were 330 rides this last New Year’s Eve provided by drivers from Havre Ford,” he said.

Clay Vincent, county sanitarian, said that there is a grant available for Hill County/city of Havre that is funded by people who get arrested for a DUI.

“Every DUI there’s a penalty and that goes into a fund. The state sends that back to the counties that have a program to try to (provide) education on drugs and alcohol,” he said. “ We’ve been doing this for a long time — trying to figure out the best way to get people’s attention to stop drinking and driving.”

The task force is also interested in placing billboards near town depicting messages of anti-drinking and driving. They are currently seeking locations to place the billboards.

“We’re trying to (place them) on the outside (of town) where there’s a lot of commercial activity when (people) come in,” Vincent added.

Janie Hedstrom, administrative assistant for the Havre Police Department said the DUI task group provides educational events for the public. For example, in May, Tammi Barkus will be holding a mock trial at City Hall concerning a drunken driver for middle school students in the area.

“It’s a mock trial,;the kids are the judge, jury and executioner,” she said. “They (will play) a video of the officer being stopped, (arrested for) a DUI and being processed.”

“One officer is a suspect and the other officer is the officer,” Matosich added. “We touch the kids right as they’re about to get their driver’s license. So right when they’re getting ready for that, then we touch them with the DUI information.”

For more information on the DUI Task Force and how to get involved, call 265-4361.


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