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Celebrating history: A quiet week in Hingham

Emily Mayer

The Dec. 25, 1914 issue of the Hingham Review was a small one. News of World War I was the largest article, but here is one of local interest:


A meeting of the Improvement League will be held at the Spaulding hotel, Wednesday evening, December 30 at 8 o’clock.

All members are urgently requested to be present as there are several matters of importance to discuss, also payment of dues.

MRS. D. D. MORE, Secretary

In the social pages, we find:

Local News Items

Miss Elizabeth Gerlach spent Saturday and Sunday at Gildford.

Clement Kindschy is here from Collins, Montana to spend the holidays with home folks.

F. F. Chidester is now managing the Rogers Templeton Lumber yards in the absence of R. E. Stewart.

Miss Judith Larson is assisting at the Hingham Café.

Gerbert Bergum left for Great Falls Wednesday to spend the holidays. Dame Rumor reports wedding bells.

Norwegian Lutheran services will be held Sunday afternoon at the M. E. church.

The Hingham Juniors are doing some regular basket ball practicing and are making arrangements for games with teams along the line.

The local schools closed Thursday for a vacation until January 4. This will give the children ten days in which to enjoy themselves, or at least to forget their studies a while.

The windows for the new school building have arrived. Several were broken.

The Lutheran Ladies’ Aid met with success at the fancy work sale and supper. The beautiful embroidered table runner which was raffled off was won by Mrs. M. E. Hanson.

Wednesday of last week Governor Stewart issued a proclamation which gives to the women of this state the right to vote. They are from now on full-fledged citizens, with the privilege of voting and have every right that the men now enjoy.

In other news, Olive Edwards was petitioning a divorce from Nels Alfred Edwards. According to the summons in the Review, he abandoned her in February of 1912.

Those filing for final proof on their homesteads included Mary S. Warren, John H. Herman, Julia H. Stoen, Herman W. Bailey, Maude R. Rankin and Martin F. Sebastian.

The votes so far for the piano contest were published. Mrs. Sauter leads with 2,380,137 votes; Hazel Marvin with 425,039; Margaret Stumvoll with 191,480; Mrs. Griffith, 55,750; Mrs. Schroder, 23,635; Angie Schmaing 17,140; Florence Yetter 5,325; and Clara Smith 1,300.


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