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Living Nativity

A larger-than-usual crowd gathered at the living Nativity scene at Van Orsdel United Methodist Church Saturday night.

It was pretty much the same as it has been in recent years, said Ray Toth, who organizes the program. In fact, it was much like it was two millennium ago.

For two hours every year, parishioners play the roles of Joseph and Mary, the wisemen, the shepherds and the angels. They stand in silence re-enacting the scene following the birth of Jesus. People come to watch in silence, some for a few minutes, some for the entire two hours.

The program goes on every year regardless of the temperature, though winds have forced cancellation a couple of times, he recalled.

The winds are especially hard on the angel, who hovers over the scene, he said.

The only new thing this year was a goat which accompanyied the shepherds. For years, Pete Kuhr has been bringing sheep to the manger, but this year, he brought a goat.

Toth admitted he was skeptical, but said the goat fit in fine and was popular with the crowds.

Jerry and Pam Davidson of Chinook brought their llama as they have for years.

Toth said the llama was especially docile. He said the Davidsons told him the llama seems to know when it's time for the Nativity scene because he starts behaving better.

"I'm sure the llama recognizes me," said Pastor John Ulrich.

Toth and his wife often stand back to oversee the operation, but Saturday they took a shift playing the roles of Joseph and Mary, which he said was very meaningful.

"Things went very well," he said. "We got lots of help from a lot of people."


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