News you can use

Celebrating history: Churches have lots of news

By Emily Mayer

We go back to Box Elder for this 48th installment of this series celebrating the 150th anniversary of Montana Territory and the 125th anniversary of statehood. In the Dec. 4, 1914 issue of The Box Elder Valley Press, there were several entries concerning the activities at the local churches. Among them were, complete with misspelling:


Rev. R. W. Nelson returned the first of the week from a very enjoyable trip to Lewistown. He reports having preached every night, except one, for a week straight. Some notabe features of the week, aside from the inevitable turkey, were street meetings, one night with the Salvation Army and Sunday night when he preached to three or four hundred people at the First M. E. Church.

Rev. C. E. Auger of Big Sandy, very acceptably filled the local pulpit last Sunday during the absence of the pastor.

The special music of the past few Sundays have added wonderfully in the beauty and interest of the services. Here’s hoping the good work will go on.

The pastor will speak next Sunday morning on, “The Glories of Pardon.” Your presence is desired at this service.


The Lutheran Ladies Aid held their annual business meeting at the home of Mrs. Wm. Williamson yesterday afternoon. The following officers were elected for the ensuing year: Mrs. E. E. Urdahl, president; Mrs. Ever Nielsen, vice president; Mrs. William Williamson, secretary-treasurer. There was a good attendance and all enjoyed the delicious luncheon. The collection was $5.20. The proceeds of the recent sale and supper netted the society $66.30.

All are cordially invited to attend the next meeting to be held with Mrs. A. J. Abbey on Thursday, December 17.


The Ladies Aid of the M. E. church will give a fancy work sale, home talent play, musical program and lunch at the school house on Friday evening, December 4. Program will begin at 7:30 p.m. Everybody invited.-adv.”

Of course, the best news could always be found in the social pages.


Leslie Owens of Havre and Alva Hollis, cousins of Mrs. S. A. Lane, have moved on to their homesteads southwest of town.

Misses Hannah Spangelo and Amelia Hansen left on Monday for an extended visit at Great Falls.

Levi Fossum, Geo. Haskell, E. L. Driskell, Ever Neilsen, Dr. J. W. MacKenzie, John Pazderic and M. B. Sprague composed a party who went to Havre on Wednesday evening by automobile.


Mr. and Mrs. Edward Tjulander entertained a number of their friends on Thanksgiving day. An excellent dinner was served and the evening was pleasantly spent in card games and dancing. Ever Tjulander furnished the music.

About seventy or seventy-five people attended the dance at the Nolan ranch the latter part of last week and all report having a good time. The gathering was in honor of Mr. Nolan’s birthday.

The Halfway Coulee club gave a dance on Wednesday evening of this week at the Urquhart ranch. The proceeds were for the benefit of the local school house in this district and several musicians furnished music gratis.

For those seeking to get out of town for the holidays, the Great Northern advertised “low round trip Homevisitors Fares East”. If you got on the Great Northern at Helena, Butte, Anaconda, Great Falls or Lewistown, one could travel to: Colorado Springs, Denver and Pueblo for $37.50; to Chicago, $63.60; Omaha and Council Bluffs, $53.65; Fort Dodge, $47.50; Sioux City, $47.50; Atchison and Leavenworth, $47.50; St. Louis, $58.70; Milwaukee, $60.70; Superior, $47,50, or Memphis, $67.35.


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