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The Hill County Park Board held its monthly meeting Monday in Havre and there was a lengthy discussion concerning permit requirements.
In May, Fish, Wildlife and Parks officials told the board that fishermen had been complaining they were being charged a fee to go fishing. Because members previously bought a fishing license, they expressed they should not be charged to fish on top of that. The officials said that, under state law, they cannot stock fish at locations where an access fee is charged.
Board member Robbie Lucke said Monday that the county ordinances concerning park permits says that one only needs a permit to camp on the campgrounds — not to go fishing.
“If a person wants to come out and climb Mount Otis, that’s their right — without being charged a fee … If somebody wants to picnic for the day, they need a daily use permit,” he said.
Lucke also said that people need to reserve and pay a fee to use the reserve campsites.
Aubrey Williams, park administrative assistant, said that Fish, Wildlife and Parks officials may be in Havre in January to discuss a proposal to resolve the issue of park permit fees and stocking the fish. FWP proposed at a summer meeting paying a fee for an easement in exchange for people not needing a permit to fish at Beaver Creek Reservoir at the north end of the park. Not already needing a permit is the case at the second lake, Bear Paw Lake, which is operated by FWP.
Chad Edgar, superintendent of Beaver Creek Park, showed several samples of new material that could be used to re-side the cabins at Camp Kiwanis. He recommended “Smart Slide” by TruLog, which is a company based in Colorado.
“It really takes a lot to dent it … . It will hold up to hail,” Edgar said.
Edgar added that the material would cost $3,100 per cabin with a 35-year warranty.
The board voted that they would need to think things over before making a decision on this – this will allowing Edgar more time to research products.
Ursula Brese, of Friends of Beaver Creek Park, displayed a design for Beaver Creek license plates. She said that they will hopefully be finished by Jan. 1. Part of the money from the sales of those plates will go to the Friends of Beaver Creek Park.
The board will meet next month to discuss things further.
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