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Our View: Hi-Line darts and laurels


A group of Havre residents will be putting on a barbecue noon to 4 p.m. Sunday to highlight the bond between Havre and Montana State University-Northern. The campus and the community have a long tradition of cooperation. The two mean a lot to each other. This would be a great opportunity to have a good time, eat some great food, win some prizes and tour the tremendous facilities on campus


The Montana University System has filed an appeal to a district court judge’s ruling that author Jon Krakauer is entitled to see the preliminary report university officials prepared on rape charges filed against Grizzly quarterback Jordan Johnson. The judge correctly said that public interest in the events at a public university warranted release of the information. We think the judge is right and the university system and the U.S. Department of Education should realize that Montana has some strong laws in favor of the public’s right to know.


The Havre High School Key Club is once again performing a valuable public service. Havre High freshman Sheradia Linton, 14, is seriously ill and the students are working hard to raise funds to help her family with incidental expenses. Among the projects is an offer to paint a stencil of a Blue Pony on your sidewalk. They are rather attractive, and they show your support for the Ponies and for Sheradia.


U.S. Secretary of the Interior Sally Jewell says she is confident that ranchers and other property owners will be able to work out an agreement with federal officials that will preserve the sage grouse and preserve the businesses that would be affected by any declaration that the grouse is an endangered species. We hope she is right. It’s vital that endangered species be preserved, and it is essential that area residents be allowed to continue on with their lives.


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