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Artitudes Gallery celebrates 10 years

Artitudes Gallery celebrated its 10-year anniversary Friday by inviting the community for a party.

Kris Shaw, one of the co-founders of the cooperative artist gallery, said she and Mary Nault got together more than 10 years ago to make plans to open the gallery. She said they got the idea from a trip to Lewistown, when she asked herself why Havre did not have a co-op gallery.

“We decided we could do it and we got together with some help from Bear Paw Development 'cause we had no idea what to do,” Shaw said. “And after some talking and more talking and trying to get everyone to understand what was going on, we ended up with our very own co-op gallery.”

Shaw said the gallery is a legal co-op that is a not-for-profit business.

To celebrate the 10-year anniversary of the co-op, they had live music and refreshments. For the month of September, 10 percent is being taken off everything in the store, and they are also raffling off one of the original art pieces at the end of the month.

Shaw said there are 12 or 13 artists’ works hanging on the walls.

“That’s all we ever wanted was a place to hang our paintings,” Nault said. “We kept the light on and door open, and we’ve been here 10 years.”

The gallery takes a small percentage of the sales to pay for things like electricity, stamps and advertising, Shaw said, and each artist pays a fee every month to keep their work on the walls.

“Because we have such a wide variety of mediums and styles, you can find something you or someone you would like,” Shaw said.

The mediums of art in the gallery include photography, paint, mixed media and sculptures.


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