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Our View: Old-fashioned debates are needed in House, Senate races

In 1992, when Republican Marc Racicot and Democrat Dorothy Bradley were running for Montana governor, they went from town to town, debating each other.

In all, they had 25 debates. Many were televised or on the radio.

If people were uninformed about the race, it was their own fault.

Contrast that to this year’s gubernatorial race.

It looks like only one debate will be held — in Bozeman Oct. 4. And there is still some doubt about that one.

The Billings Gazette has traditionally held one of the biggest attention-getting debates, but this year it looks as if House candidate John Lewis, a Democrat, will get the stage all to himself. Republican Ryan Zinke has turned down the offer to debate, citing scheduling conflicts. We’re sure that if Zinke told people at his previous commitment that he had to attend a debate with statewide coverage, they would understand.

There is always jockeying between the candidates over debate rules.

This year, Republicans are insisting that Libertarian candidates be barred from the debate.

Republicans, you see, are afraid that Libertarians take away votes from the GOP. Thus, the less exposure Libertarians get, the better for the Republicans.

Instead, we think the format best suited to inform voters ought to be adopted. Libertarians are a growing force in Montana politics, and they deserve a seat at the debate table.

The gamesmanship involving debates is generally bipartisan, but this time it seems like Republicans hold a greater share of the blame.

We hope they back down and agree to debates aimed at informing the public.

And while candidates plan debates, they should think about the one part of the state that almost never has any debates — the Hi-Line.

Forget about us, and we may forget about you on Election Day.


Reader Comments(1)

Joe writes:

I agree. You can even take your own advise and host an actual debate amoungst our local candidates this year instead of your favored can*ned question forums you have held in the past. Let us see where everyone really stands this time