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FWP wolf stamp plan worthy of support

Montana Fish Wildlife and Park's proposed Wolf Stamp hearing on Aug. 14 was well attended. No matter the stamp name, all wildlife will benefit from education, habitat acquisition, increased game wardens and nonlethal measures to address conflicts with livestock and wildlife.

As FWP thinks outside the box for funding and innovations, the cost of administering Montana's trapping program exceeds the revenue generated. Unlike guns, archery and fishing equipment, there is no excise tax on traps. While FWP proposes increasing the costs of hunting and fishing licenses, a $29 trapping license isn't even required for residents to trap, only to trap certain species, with most species having no quota and many requiring no reporting.

In Montana, hunting and fishing annually generate $311 million and $226 million, respectively. However, less than .06 percent of all Montanans buy a trapping license. Based predominantly on the estimate of one-third of those trappers voluntary reporting, FWP estimates an average minimum 50,000 wildlife are indiscriminately trapped and killed annually in Montana, personally profiting the trapper by commercializing upon our publicly owned wildlife.

Trapping is costly to our wildlife, FWP, wildlife rehab, veterinarians, tourism, pet owners and the public's safety. In comparison, the nonconsumptive users are an untapped credible revenue resource. Wildlife viewing alone generates $401 million annually in Montana. Our great outdoors and incredible wildlife are major draws to the state. Awarding everyone a chance to purchase $20 wolf stamps, administering the funds as intended and providing funding transparency will go a long way to benefit all. Public comment to FWP closes Friday.

KC York

Chairman, Trap Free Montana Public Lands


Reader Comments(1)

photohunter writes:

If I could be sure that the wolf stamp supports all wildlife viewing as well as protection for preditors too, I would gladly purchase. Fishing license help to keep rivers clean and stocked. I have bought fishing license for these reasons, and because it is law. On the otherhand, I dont want my wolfstamp money to go to education on hunting preditors. I think it is important to teach appreciation of our designed ecosystem.

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