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Local Golf Report: Just two weeks before men's playoffs

From Tee to Green...

The hot, dry, sunny, and sometimes windy days of August are officially here. It won’t be long and, though the weather won’t change, the golf scenery will.

The high school golf season is just around the corner, and the Havre Blue Ponies will begin their season Aug. 14 at Prairie Farms Golf Course. The Ponies will be under the guidance of Brett Gilman again this season. And, as a reminder to anyone wishing to participate in Havre High golf, students must have a sports physical completed before the first day of practice.

Back on the local golf scene, last week was a busy one at Prairie Farms.

Saturday, the annual Northern Montana Health Care Foundation Tournament was held, and the Bear Paw Credit Union team won the four-person, 18-hole scramble. The tournament is always one of the most competitive, and well-attended events on the golf calendar each summer, and the 2014 version was no exception.

Next up on the tourney slate at Prairie Farms is the annual Havre Public Schools Foundation Scramble, which will be held Aug. 31. This year’s tourney is in conjunction with Havre High’s season-opening football game, which takes place Aug. 30 against the Whitefish Bulldogs. For more information, call the Pro Shop at Prairie Farms.

Golf league action is also in the home stretch, and last week was a big one for the men and the women.

In men’s league action last Tuesday night, Spencer’s Hi-Way Bar and Hi-Line Drilling tied for high-team honors, each scoring 23 points. Dave Boles shot a 1-under-par 35 for low gross, while Josh Bebee was low net with an outstanding 29. In men’s league last Wednesday night, Ruff Real Estate and DA Davidson tied for high-team honors. Each team scored 22.5 points. Kyle Sheppard was low gross with a 2-under-par 34 and Tom Haas was low net with a 30.

There are only two weeks left in the men’s league regular season at Prairie Farms, starting with tonight’s round. Bing-N-Bob’s leads the Tuesday standings with 110 points, while Lisa’s 15 West, Dan Wagner Plumbing, Northern Edge and Hole 19 have all already qualified for the playoffs. Independence Bank and Michelob Light are out in front in the Wednesday night standings, but both teams qualified for the playoffs in the first half of the season. DA Davidson and Valley Furniture also qualified from Wednesday night during the first half.

In women’s league last Thursday night, Havre Heating & AC scored 26 points to earn high-team honors. The team is composed of Kelsey Ward, Janice Fisher, Kim Evans and Karen Evans. Melissa Oberquell and Ali Ward each shot rounds of 42 to earn low gross, while Oberquell and Ginger Zanto shared low net at 30.5.

Prairie Farms Golf League Standings

Tuesday Night Men’s Standings

Bing-N-Bob’s 110, Lisa’s 15 West 99, Korb Construction 96.5, Tilleman Motor Co. 96.5, Rock Solid 94.5, Dan Wagner Plumbing 94.5, Patrick Construction 93.5, BKD Law 92.5, Stockman Bank 90.5, Spencer’s Highway Bar 89.5, Havre Muffler 88, Northern Edge 84, Hi-Line Drilling 83.5, Hole 19 80.5, Havre Ford 76, Nalivka’s 75.5, Triple Dog Brewery/Schubert Agency 74.5, Independence Bank 68.

Wednesday Night Men’s Standings

Independence Bank 107, Michelob Light 105, Master Sports 96.5, Hi-Line Audio/Video 96.5, DA Davidson 95.5, Havre Ford 95.5, Koefod Agency 91.5, Valley Furniture 91.5, Mariani Insurance 90.5, Bear Paw Credit Union 86.5, Property West 83.5, Taco Johns 82, Ruff Real Estate 81, Prairie Farms 79.5, Triangle Communications 78, Tiger Woods 74.

Ladies League

Makin Waves 190.5, DA Davidson 184, Independence Bank 183, Havre Heating & AC 179, Patrick Construction 177, Northern Montana Hospital 172.5, Schubert Agency 159.5, Scharfe, Kato & Co. 157, Prairie Farms 148.5, Western Drug 141, Columbia Grain-Rudyard 78.


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