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Celebrating history: The third Hill County Fair

For the 29th installment of this series celebrating the 150th anniversary of Montana Territory, we take a look at the news in the July 25, 1914 issue of The Havre Plaindealer.

The event getting the most news was the upcoming Hill County Fair. The fair was celebrating its third year back in 1914, and the organizers were working hard to produce a top-notch event. Former Gov. Norris announced he would attend and address the crowd. The Rev. L. J. Christler, of St. Mark’s Episcopal Church (also known as the Naughty Reverend), was donating two silver cups. The “Peerless Cup” was to be given as the prize to the individual who had “the best general exhibit of farm stock shown at the fair.” It was valued at $75. The Vinces Cup, was to be “awarded to the highest scoring pen of poultry.” It was valued at $50. In addition, the Plaindealer interviewed Rev. Christler, and he was strongly urging the farmers to support the fair. I think this passage from the interview is appropriate for this time of year:

Neighbor, do not forget your fair. It is not any one man’s fair, nor any set of mens’ fair. It’s Hill county’s fair, or, your fair, and there is no instrumentality like a county fair for placing the farm products on the market.

And, another prize was being offered:

Additional Prize For Fair Exhibitor

There are many special prizes offered exhibitors at the Hill county fair this year, and this list augmented yesterday by an offer from Adolph Wutz, manager of the Havre Brewing and Malting company, of $25 cash for the best bushel of malting barley shown at the fair. Many farmers in the county grow barley, and it is expected that competition for the prize donated by Mr. Wutz will be keen.

Grain prices published on the front page state that barley was going for $1.25 per cwt., compared to oats at $1.40 per cwt., wheat at .71 per bushel and flax at $1.50 per bushel.

Havre just kept growing, and here is some happy news!

Notice To Contractor

Notice is hereby given that the City Council will receive bids up until 8 o’clock p.m. of August 3, 1914, for the erection and completion of a Carnegie Library to be erected in Havre, Mont., according to the plans and specifications now on file with the City Building Inspector S. L. Hanley. Plans and specifications may be had at the office of the City Building Inspector’s office.

The Council reserves the right to reject any or all bids. All bids addressed to James G. Holland, City clerk, and marked “Bid for Library.”

James G. Holland,

City Clerk.

In the social pages news, we find:

H. P. Schmitz, care taker of the Fort Assinniboine reservation, was in town trying to swear out a warrant for the arrest of some sheep men who he claimed were trespassing on his hay field. No warrant was issued, however, as the local justices of the peace felt that it was out of their jurisdiction, being on the United States reserve. Mr. Schmitz says the next step he will take will be to obtain an injunction against any further trespassing on the reservation by sheep-men.


Mrs. Pat Yeon gave pleasure to a number of young folks last Monday, entertaining in honor of her niece, Marie Yeon, of Everett, Washington. The guests were taken to the first crossing on Beaver creek in the Yeon car and there enjoyed various out-of-door games, taking pictures and fishing. A tempting picnic supper was served. Those enjoying this delightful hospitality were Misses Dorothy and Josephine Holland, Gladys Mathews, Demerise Patchell, Virginia Stringfellow, and Katheryn Broadwater.


Miss Gertrude Anderson, who has been visiting friends and relatives in Minot, N. D., for the past two weeks, returned home the first of the week and has resumed her duties as bookkeeper for the Lou Lucke company.


Mr. and Mrs. Clint Sailor of Gildford, were in Havre Wednesday as guests at the Shepherd-Boyle wedding.


Mr. and Mrs. V. R. Griggs, who attended the Elks’ convention in Denver last week are expected home today.


John Tripp, representing the Two Miracle company, with headquarters in Kalispell, was in the city the first of the week, in the interest of his company.

The Two Miracle Company constructed sidewalks in various Montana communities, including Havre. You can see some of what is left in the Havre Residential Historic District, with the inscription “Miracle Maker”.


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