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Rocky Boy's Indian Reservation is getting a new playground for free to place on the reservation as part of a series of projects made possible by the Washington Redskins Original Americans Foundation.
"It's going to be a pretty good-sized playground," said Tony Woods of KHEW radio and one of the organizers of the playground.
The playground equipment was given to Rocky Boy by the NFL franchise's foundation.
KHEW and the Tribal Water Resources Department are going to supply volunteers to erect the playground. Woods said they are going to start work Friday and work through the weekend.
"We've laid some of the foundation and the footings for the equipment," Woods said.
The playground will be located in Middle Dryfork Village because of its central location in the reservation. Tribal officials decided this would be the best location for everyone to be able to use it, Woods said.
Playworld Systems, a Pennsylvania-based company, is providing the equipment and will send representatives to help the volunteers set the playground up correctly.
"This is all made possible by the generous support of the Original Americans Foundation," Woods said. "We're very thankful for that."
Woods added that this is the first phase of a series of projects that will be done around the Rocky Boy's Indian Reservation.
The playground, when completed, will not be lit at night so will be open from dawn until dusk to avoid any accidents or liability issues with children playing there at night.
Woods said the playground will be open to all kids - not just kids at Middle Dryfork Village.
The Original Americans Foundation is also sponsoring a 3-on-3 basketball competition July 31 that will start at the Stone Child parking lot. The foundation is also sponsoring this year's All Nation Ultimate Warrior Competition Aug. 1.
Dustin White of the Tribal Water Resources Department said that OAF visited Rocky Boy in January and tribal members filled out a survey meant to assess needs on the reservation. Rocky Boy was one of 27 reservation visited by the foundation across the country.
The need for community development along with raising health and fitness were deemed important by those who took the survey, hence the playground and physical activities.
The playground in Middle Dryfork Village is phase one of a three-phase project, White said.
Phases two and three will create walkways and trails in the reservation and provide fitness equipment for the community.
There will also be two other playgrounds built - one in Box Elder and one in the agency.
The foundation is also sponsoring rodeo contestants in their travels and competitions.
Four rodeo contestants from Rocky Boy and Box Elder are in the top 15 chart of Indian Nationals Finals Rodeo. This chart takes into account all reservations and tribes from the Americas.
White said without the help of WROAF, the contestants would often not be able to travel to the rodeos and compete.
"They can do something they love and make something out of themselves," White said.
All-in-all, 33 contestants from the area are sponsored by the foundation.
With the help of the foundation, a group of children from Rocky Boy High School and Box Elder School were able to visit Washington, D.C., and take in the sights. White said the top students from each school were invited to take the trip.
"We took them there just to show there is a lot more out there," White said. "They are really bright kids."
The children visited Redskins Park, the Capitol, Supreme Court and Senate buildings, Washington Mall, Smithsonian Museums and other attractions.
"They got to experience some of the world," White said.
For each schools' use, 150 iPads were purchased with the help of WROAF.
"There's a lot more we plan on doing," White said. "That's just some of the things we've done so far."
The Washington Redskins Original Americans Foundation was created by the owner of the National Football League team, Dan Snyder. The foundation has visited 20 states' reservations to talk to tribal leaders and give aid to those in need. The foundation was launched in March following the controversy caused by those taking offense to the Redskins' mascot and name.
Reader Comments(18)
someonewhocares writes:
Frankieh...yeah, please define Native Pride, to me it meams bring drug and alcohol free, taking pride in mysef and my surroundings, knowing who I am and what I stand for and teaching my children to be as such and to live as traditionally, with humility, as much as I can..Native Pride is so much more than a phrase on a bumper sticker or poster
07/27/2014, 7:34 pm
kevtoopointo writes:
There are areas of rocky boy that are scenic and beautiful and there are areas where people seem to collect junk. but to suggest these areas are just on reservations is crazy talk and a wee bit condescending. I drove to Missoula the other day and loved the beauty of the country but when you leave great falls you see old trailers half destroyed, junk cars all over, trash along the ditches, etc. please look around before you separate reservations. thank you.
07/25/2014, 7:51 pm
Kev writes:
Frankeh Educate me on what Native Pride is?? When I take pride in something I take care of it and do whatever I'm doing to the best of my ability. Why when you drive through ANY reservation their is garbage everywhere, cars in the ditch, dogs running wild, buildings broke down, junk all over the front lawns, homes falling apart, the filth is honestly disgusting. Is it pride in your heritage, but not your belongings, your land, your community? Please enlighten me.
07/25/2014, 2:47 pm
frankieH writes:
Snyder is buying redskins.....not Native Americans; Native Americans are NOT for sale but apparently redskins are. No native pride in Rocky Boy.....
07/25/2014, 4:08 am
estump writes:
Just a thought but all of your comments and not one comment on the positive impact this could have on children of RB. Another thought nothing in this world comes for free! I believe this is something positive for the community and I am happy for the young children and families that will benefit from it.
07/24/2014, 6:12 pm
Interesting writes:
I see quite a few of you complaining about how it will just be a wasteland in a few years and is a waste of time, just a buy-off. Here's a crazy idea...Take care of it. Take care of what is GIVEN to you. There is so much money and assistance, yet so little appreciation. Someone ponied up the money, so show respect and kindness. I know it will be trashed in a few years, but I could hope that could change.
07/24/2014, 5:16 pm
aimprez59521 writes:
The Quechan Tribe in California turned down a Whole* Park for thier children. This is thier comment here. The Quechan Tribe wants a skate park for its young people. But they won't sacrifice their dignity and ideals to get it. Now there are some REAL INDIANS there. As this news artical goes viral in Indian Country,and it is already, The People see how things stack up here. The tribal govt was and is run in a whiteman's mentality,fashion,so this does'nt surprise me at all.
07/24/2014, 5:09 pm
cowboyup writes:
Chippewas and Crees will be playing Cowboy thanks to hush money from Oafs? I refuse to use that slur, and so does the foundation. that is very funny. Sell outs and mercenaries running things in Rocky boy is nothing new. like their friends on the business committee, these guys get 'free' stuff then walk away, complaining later about people not taking care of stuff when its the mercenaries who don't plan for the long term, they get stuff knowing it won't be cared for, but it makes em feel good.
07/24/2014, 3:57 pm
someonewhocares writes:
What the heck does it matter, I am grateful for my granddaughter to have a place to play. As for the Original Americans Foundation helping the reservation, the Tribe did not reach out to them to get a 'free handout', the offered their help, for the YOUTH, who are lacking volunteers to work with them in the first place, because we do live in a place where every person expects to get paid for their time and effort, so lets see how many 'volunteers' there are on Saturday.
07/24/2014, 3:46 pm
aimprez59521 writes:
As a American Indian Movement Activist,I am ashamed to be from Rocky Boy for taking such a bribe to sell your Indian heritege out for toys. Are there any REAL Indians even left here in Rocky Boy? Does'nt appear to be in the Levels of Planning here in Lil Russia.People who conduct biseness up here,leap at anything free because they are missing 42 plus million. They are now selling what Little PRIDE we had left.We will be known as the TWINKIE REZ now for this action.
07/24/2014, 6:07 am
ojibwecree21 writes:
This dam Snyder will use anybody just so he can use that RACIST name for his team. He wants to use it the good maybe he can give all the people that live on reservations a high paying job to make his racist clothing and such.... He go to for all I care. He just using you people............hai hai
07/24/2014, 4:29 am
SKIN writes:
We Natives proudly call each other Skins so let me decide if I am offended or insulted by the name. What does offend and insult me is the fact that people think they are speaking for me and that I lack the intelligence to determine what is right and what is wrong. Besides, I have never been asked for my opinion in this matter. Also, in my 50 years of walking this earth, I have yet to be called a Redskin in a derogatory or racist manner.
07/23/2014, 11:34 pm
myohmy writes:
You can't have everything for free!! Some people have to work to make their money and running a newspaper is not easy work!
07/23/2014, 9:24 pm
hello writes:
I think what should be known is the fact the certain individuals are selling out to an organization that continues to utilize a name that is never used in tribal communities. Also, the pathetic use of Native imagery at games shows you that uneducated individuals are using the talk of, for the kids, for their own ,rodeo, uses. You are on the wrong side of history and it will be proven in a couple of years when the name goes and the support from this ,generous, foundation are gone too.
07/23/2014, 8:24 pm
Kev writes:
And how is this positive news the reservation is getting all these things for free and they end up destroyed and not taken care of in 5 years it will be a dive!
07/23/2014, 7:53 pm
Kev writes:
You could publish a whole news paper on all the negative news that has happened in Rocky Boy as of late is that the news papers fault? Lets just blame it on the paper or how about the people of RB start making some changes so the paper can publish some good news.
07/23/2014, 7:48 pm
Godzilla writes:
Wow...You guys post a full article for negative news in RB...but if its a positive story like this then you make people pay.
07/23/2014, 7:18 pm
Kev writes:
Why cant I ever get something for free?? Guess I live on the wrong side of the tracks where you have to pay for things. Seems to me when things are free they do not get taken care of hopefully thats not the case.
07/23/2014, 7:04 pm