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Celebrating History: Women meet, saloon owners missing

This is the 20th installment of this series celebrating the 150th anniversary of Montana Territory, signed into existence by President Abraham Lincoln. The Havre Plaindealer's May 23, 1914, issue had a lot of local news, including the following, complete with misspelling:

Unique Celebration Planned By Ladies

Will Be in the Nature of a "Publicity Day"

The Civic department of the Woman's club held their last meeting, until the autumn season, last Monday afternoon at the home of Mrs. M. C. Parsons. At this time plans were formulated for a fourth of July celebration, one that will be "safe and sane," in the nature of a Publicity Day for Havre. A committee composed of Mrs. R. E. Hammond, Mrs. J. G. Bonine, Mrs. Franc Nelson and Miss Thompson canvassed the city Tuesday and the business men met their plans with great enthusiasm and expressed themselves as being very much pleased to aid the ladies in every possible way to make this day one long to be remembered in Havre. As yet a definite program can not be given, but below is a list of the business men who have pledged themselves to, in some way, help in the celebration. This list includes nearly every business man in Havre and the ladies state there were a few who could not be seen at this time but who will undoubtedly be represented in the celebration:

Mahon-Robinson Lumber Col, J. M. Kay, Brainerd, Bruce Clyde, McKenzie and Bishop, A. J. Broadwater, Havre Steam Laundry, C. F. Bassow, Lou Lucke Co., T. E. McClintock, Forge & Co., Nelson & Moore, Sartain Bros., Joe Klassen, C. L. Stuart, E. T. Broadwater, T. J. Troy, Havre Commercial Co., H. W. Stringfellow, Skaars new and Novelities, Cas. G. Hanson, J. A. Wright, Hill County Democrat, Ed. M. Allen, J. A. Duncan, Owl Drug Co., C. B. Koepke, Havre Promoter, L. D. Pace, F. A. Buttrey Co., Boone's Drug Store, Unique Grocery Co., W. H. Wheeler Co., Donnelly & Hildremyr, C. C. Bronson, G. J. Bonine, J. J. Blair, Havre Abstract Co., Ryan & Jamieson, T. C. Penny, J. B. Martin, Frank O. Black, Fred J. Schick, H. Earl Clack Co., W. E. Wiltner, D. P. Van Horne, Elmer Carpenter, Havre Commercial Co., Harness and Implement department, F. G. Ellis, Piper-Howe Lbr. Co., G. A. Hulfish & Co., C. B. Wilson, Jay Rakestraw, Linder & Graves, Havre Meat & Grocery Co., Havre Bottling Works, Farmers State Bank, George W. Swab, Johnson Land Co., Havre National Bank, A. L. Ritt, R. E. Hammond, H. S. Kline, W. F. Hamilton, David g. Goss, Geo. B. Bourne, C. F. Morris, A. E. Wilkie, L. V. Beaulieu, C. C. Brudnage, N. B. Torrey, Elmer Johnson, N. E. Gourley, Pioneer Meat Co., C. R. Stranahan, A. L. Ward, H. C. Ward, Roper Transfer Co., Havre Auto Co., Herb Schwartz, Dr. Williams, C. M. C. Taylor, J. G. Holland & Son.

It looks like the ladies worked pretty hard to get some pledges for the upcoming Fourth of July celebration, but I noticed the absence of many saloon owners names on the list thus far. Perhaps they were the "few who could not be seen at this time?"

In other good local news, the City Council heard four separate Special Improvement District proposals for sidewalks and curbs, an ordinance pertaining to dogs, acquiring the deed to Pepin Park, putting in new sanitary sewers, the placement of boulevards along the streets in Devlin's First Addition, another ordinance pertaining to the obstruction of sidewalks and the playing of pianos in saloons and an alley clean-up; more news on natural gas in the area; Presbyterian Reverend Poole had opposed liquor interests and found himself in trouble with certain members of the Great Falls Presbytery synod who in turn tried to dissolve Poole's work with the church, to which the state synod rejected; the Home Builders Investment Company was building more homes, the school children at Lincoln school showed off their works; Reverend Hess, pastor of the First Baptist Church performed three marriages; and the Hulfish Company's store was robbed.

We have the following from the social pages:

Of Local Interest

John Sailor of Galata was a business visitor in the city this week and a pleasant caller at the Plaindealer office.


The Lyric has now installed in front of their popular show house a splendid electric sign, which was furnished by the Havre Electric Co.


Col. Simon Pepin, who has been confined to his home for several weeks past, was this week able to be on the streets, and through in a wheel chair, it was very gratifying to the Colonel's many friends to again greet him.


The new gun club, organized last week with E. E. Ellis president, H. Archibald vice-president and Ernest Hayes secretary-treasurer, starts off with a very flattering membership, and it is proposed to have at least half a hundred members during the season. The entrance fee is but one dollar, and those interested in this sport should call upon Mr. Hayes and affiliate with the club.


Miss Barbara Hess was in the city this week from Devon and assisted Miss Ling in giving teachers' examinations.


The handsome new home of C. M. C. Taylor at the corner of Third ave. and Seventh street, is nearing completion, and will soon be occupied by Mr. Taylor and family. This home is of the large bungalow type, and is one of the best appointed of the many new homes erected in this city recently.

Cassius Marcellus Clay Taylor was a contractor, whose main specialty were sidewalks, curbs and other concrete works. Many sidewalks in the Havre Residential Historic District and in older parts of Havre still bear his "CMC Taylor" shield sidewalk stamp. The home mentioned is located at 805 Third Avenue.


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