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Reception at Old Post Office Monday
"Winter in the Blood" is opening at the Cottonwood Cinema 4 this weekend, and those attending have a chance to meet the directors at a reception at the Old Post Office.
The movie, based on the James Welch novel, will be shown at 1, 4, 7 and 9:30 p.m. Sunday and 4, 7 and 9:30 p.m. Monday.
Those who see the movie can save their ticket stubs and use them for admission to the public reception at the Old Post Office at 3rd Avenue and 3rd Street at 6 p.m. Monday to meet the directors of the movie.
Pam Veis, a coordinator of the reception, said an informal meet-and-greet with the directors will be held for an hour or two.
The directors, Alex and Andrew Smith, are brothers from Missoula.
"The directors said they want it open to the public to let the people know how grateful they are to the community and surrounding areas," Veis said.
Beer, wine and appetizers will be served at the reception. Those with tickets to the 9:30 p.m. Monday showing can still attend the reception as long as they show their ticket.
Dr. Erica Farmer and her husband, Dr. Marc Whitacre, own the Old Post Office and are helping with the reception.
"We're looking forward to it," Farmer said. "It think it's going to be fun."
Farmer said she and her husband are just helping out with the reception and that sponsors such as Veis and Jan Leibel, of Heirloom Jewelers, are doing the majority of the work involved with the production of the event.
Farmer said she is excited for the reception to be held at her new home at the Old Post Office because of the fond memories people have of the building when it was still in use by the U.S. Postal Service.
She and her husband have been working on restoring the building and plan to hold future events, such as the reception and weddings, on the first floor.
Alex Escarega, who played young Virgil First Raise in the film, will be coming to Havre to see the film for the first time and attend the reception.
"We're pretty excited to see the finished project," said Alicia Escarega, Alex's mother. "We got a few great write-ups for his performance."
Alex and his mother will also be attending the Wednesday showing at Harlem.
Original plans included having Chaske Spencer, who played the lead role of the film, attend the reception and film opening, but he was unable to make it to Havre due to work.
The film was shot mainly in Havre, Chinook and Fort Belknap Indian Reservation. Scenes in Havre were filmed at 4B's Restaurant, the downtown streets and bars.
There will also be a special showing at the Harlem High School for the Fort Belknap Indian Reservation's Mid-winter Festival Wednesday.
Showtimes for 'Winter in the Blood'
• Sunday at 1, 4, 7 and 9:30 p.m.
• Monday at 5, 7 and 9:30 p.m.
• Reception at 6 p.m. Monday
Tickets are $8.25 for all showings and available for purchase at Cottonwood Cinema 4 or over the phone with a credit card at 265-5467.
As of Thursday afternoon, tickets were still available for all showings, but some times were almost filled.
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