News you can use

Celebrating history: Student athletes, court decisions

There was quite a bit of news this week in 1914. Information for this article, the fourth in this series, comes from The Havre Plaindealer's Jan. 31, 1914 issue, exactly 100 years ago today.

County officers throughout the state were meeting in Lewistown, and there was a lengthy article about that event. Two more lengthy articles appeared, one pleading "More Support Needed For the Success of School Athletics," and the other was the proceedings at the latest City Council meeting, complete with a list of bills to be paid.

A few weeks ago, Edward Redwing was found guilty of altering brands. He appealed, and here is the result:

Not Guilty Is Verdict In State Vs. Redwing

The case of the State vs. Edward Redwing, charged with altering brands, which occupied the attention for the first four day of the present week, was settled Thursday night, when the jury brought in the verdict of "not guilty." The case has attracted much attention, and was stubbornly contested, the state, as represented by county attorney Griggs, assisted by J. K. Bramble and O. W. McConnell, being opposed by Stranahan & Stranahan and Attorney Freeman, of Great Falls, who appeared for the defendant.

In the columns of local news, we find:

School Gossip

Gathered from Teachers and Students


Miss Bondeson, principal of the McKinley school and in charge of the second primary school in that building, has enrolled twelve new pupils. It has therefore been necessary to remove ten of her pupils who attended the past semester to the primary department of the Lincoln building.

The children of the Devlin school appreciate the surrounding hills near their school. They are now having great pleasure skiing and coasting down those attractive hillsides.


By Arsee

Telephone Number 74a for Society Editor

Mrs. Leon Choquette was hostess on Thursday, this being the second of a series. Cards formed a pleasant diversion for both afternoon and evening and the daintiest of refreshments were served from the small tables. The rooms were made attractive with vases of cut flowers. Invited were, the afternoon: Mesdames Ferguson, Daoust, Haglund, Webber, Hulfish, Wilson, Harris Kline; evening: Mesdames Benson, Griggs, McCarthy, Wilkie, Black, Casman, Lange, Brundage, L. McKenzie and Phil Jestrab.


The Hingham sanitarium report three new patients this week. This institute is gaining a wide reputation in this part of Hill county, owing greatly to the efficiency of Dr. A. Husser.

There is to be a big dance in Kinipel's hall Friday night. Hingham dances are always well attended. Everyone enjoys a good spin in our nice, big hall.


Miss Bessie Thomas of Fresno, was the guest Saturday and Sunday of Evelyn Wagner at the home of her mother, Mrs. Parley Hyatt.

There will be a dance at the school house Saturday night, January 31, for the benefit of the piano fund. Tickets $1.00, including supper.

Of Local Interest

Jess L. Angstman of Harlem, realty man and one of the News staff, was in the city this week, taking in the session of the district court.

C. H. Green was down from Fort Benton on Wednesday, registering at the Hotel Havre. Mr. Green reports times as good in the old steamboat town, and says the people are much interested in the recent transfer of the Grand Union Hotel, extensive improvements to which are in contemplation.

Of course, Hingham and Burnham can't have all the fun:

Elks Social Dance

A social dance will be given by the Elks at Lyceum hall, Wednesday evening, February 4. Visiting Elks are especially invited to attend. This function is held more for the purpose of a "get together" meeting of Elks and the ladies, for the purpose of laying plans for making a big success of the annual charity ball, which will be given on February 19, and it is the hope of the committee that there will be a full attendance, when the men can discuss ways and means, and the ladies can compare notes on the gowns they are to wear at the big event, etc., etc. It is hoped that you will turn out, Bills, and bring your wives and sweethearts along.


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