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Havre Police Department
Hunter Cole Archambault, 23, of Harlem, was arrested for trespassing and Mary Shanna Pery was arrested for trespassing and minor in possession after officers responded to a 7:32 a.m. Monday call from a 1st Street Northeast residence about two drunken people causing a disturbance.
Robert Eugene Midgett, 44, of Havre, was served a state District court warrant at 8:11 a.m. Monday at the police station.
Officers investigated a 9:20 a.m. 5th Avenue call about items stolen out of the calling party’s vehicle.
Officers investigated a 10:12 a.m. Monday call from Summit Avenue about the theft of water.
Officers investigated a 12:57 p.m Monday call from Havre Middle School to assist in locating two children.
Officers investigated a 1:46 p.m. Monday call from a 2nd Street trailer court about the theft of a laptop.
At 2:18 p.m. Monday, officers were called to investigate a theft reported from 11th St. W.
Officers served a Justice or City court warrant to Wilford Harlan Sunchild, 49, of Box Elder, at the detention center at 5 p.m. Monday
Officers investigated a 5:11 p.m. Monday call from Havre High School about a vehicle being egged.
Officers investigated a 6:14 p.m. Monday call from the hospital about a cat bite.
Havre Fire Department
Emergency medical personnel responded to one call Monday.
Animal Shelter
A black female cat was placed in the shelter Oct. 16.
A black and tan male cat was placed in the shelter Oct. 27.
A black and white male border collie puppy was placed in the shelter Nov. 19.
A boy was born to Letrisia BadHawk of Box Elder Nov. 23, 2013.
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