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Solomon beats Rice for Havre mayor

In preliminary results, released pending a recount, incumbent first-term Havre Mayor Tim Solomon, a Democrat, again won in a race against former mayor Republican Bob Rice.

The first results showed Solomon defeating Rice 1,399-1,110 55.8 percent of the vote, winning in all four wards.

In 2009, Solomon defeated Rice in his bid for a third term with more than 62 percent of the vote.

Results of the races for city council, city judge and the vote on non-partisan elections had not yet been released.

At Republican headquarters in the Duck Inn, GOP hopeful Matt Boucher anxiously awaited the results, saying he couldn't wait to see the results.

The election saw about 58 percent of active registered voters return their ballots.

The ward with the only contested city council election, Ward 4, where Republican Matt Boucher faces Democrat Karen Datko for the open seat, saw the lowest returns in the mail-in ballot election.

Ward 4 saw 34 percent of registered voters return their ballots, with Solomon defeating Rice 219-182.

Ward 1 saw a 55 percent return with Solomon winning 497-376.

In Ward 2, 49 percent of registered voters returned their ballots and Solomon beat Rice 276-251.

In Ward 3, Solomon won 408-300 with a 46 percent return.

Havre Daily News will update results as returns become available.


Reader Comments(17)

robwatson writes:

Everyone voices there option behind these little nicknames. You got something to say. Stand up & put your name behind it.

actionsnotwords writes:

Congrats to Tim and to Bob for your service and continued willingness to serve the public. City and County officials alike should not forget that they are accountable for their actions or inaction. The city has many issues to resolve including the state of the streets. Lets see what can be done to correct the dismal decaying condition and state of disrepair they are in. I am tired of needing off-road shocks to navigate much of the city.

Willy writes:

What has Tim done the last four years other than to give into the county on the pool issue?

didntgetitdone writes:

it will be nice to have four more years without having to open the paper every week to some new ego driven BS controversy occurring at City Hall.

WOW writes:

I think a little mocro-managing just may be in order. Go out to the dump any late afternoon and you will see the city garbage truck drivers idling the trucks, drinking coffee and waiting for quiting time to head back to the shop. There are countless other examples of some of our departments not working to full capacity. Lets have some action Mayor Tim

Dsltruck writes:

Rice had a lot of reasons for leaving after he lost the last time, lets see how much the dedicated Havre resident does now. You don't have to be an elected official to make your community a better place. He can still drive around in his silly car and pick up trash and fill pot holes. But there's no glory in that without a title and news coverage. We shall see.

2smart4u writes:

You know who Bob Rice reminds me of? Major Frank Burns from MASH. Both think they're cool, have overinflated egos of themselves and their abilities, couldn't manage themselves out of a paper bag, and have no chin. Also like Burns is this image of himself as some sort of hero, where the survival of everyone is dependent on his superior knowledge. However, reality sees them as bumbling, narcissistic fools. I hear Missoula or Hawaii are good options, Bob!

LilMsSunshine writes:

If YEP is so unhappy with 'everyone sitting on their duffs' maybe s/he should run for office and see how much work public service really is. Congrats to Tim Solomon - someone who does the work behind the scenes and doesn't seek attention/credit for doing the job.

byebobblehead writes:

@disappointed. WRONG. Solomon ran knowing all the elements existed for this city to run right, but the egomaniac control-freak ultra- micromanager who thought he knew and could do EVERYTHING had to go. And go he did. City departments started working right with decent leadership - not Bobblehead's baby-sitting. Ask any of them. You oughta help Bobzy pack - and you oughta LEAVE, too. Whiner.

yep writes:

Another 4 years with everyone sitting on their duffs

Disapppointed writes:

Solomon has done nothing for the city of Havre. At least Rice attempted to make Havre a better place. Solomon ran against Rice stating he had done everything wrong, yet! when questioned, he stated everything was running fine and he would change nothing.

Civicminded writes:

Thnks to all the candidates from both parties. Public service is very important, and your willingness to serve is admirable.

byebobblehead writes:

Rice did nothing for the betterment of this town in the last four years because he was no longer at the center of attention and in the bright limelight as mayor. His sole priority as mayor was to seek as much publicity as possible. That's not public service. That's simple vanity. Responsible Havreites weren't fooled.

byebobblehead writes:

Congrats to Mayor Solomon for 4 years of hard work and for a well deserved re-election. My question now is this: will Former Mayor Rice repeat the ill natured tantrum of defeat he threw 4 years ago - and how long will it be before picks up his ball and bat and flees town in a whimper?

Fez writes:

Anyone think bob rice will throw a temper tantrum and say he's leaving havre. I hope so

SoHappy writes:

Thank goodness! Havre is better off!

relieved writes:

Thank goodness!!

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