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Preliminary OK given to nonpartisan voting

Havre City Council Monday gave unanimous preliminary approval to a plan to elect city officials on a nonpartisan vote.

If council approves the measure a second time in two weeks, it will go on the fall ballot. Should voters support the plan, this fall’s election will be the last time Democrats will face Republicans for municipal offices.

Councilman Andrew Brekke, who is also Hill County Republican chair, said most Montana cities already have nonpartisan voting, and as far as he knows, no city has ever rejected a plan to convert to nonpartisan elections.

Some Democrats questioned Brekke on the move, but in the end everyone supported it.

“I never felt I was partisan,” said Ward 1 Democrat Bonnie Parenteau. “And I don’t think council has been except when some national issues have come up.”

During the public comment section of the meeting, two prominent Republicans supported Brekke’s proposal — state Rep. Kris Hansen and former GOP Chair Brad Lotton.

Hansen predicted more people would be willing to run for office if they didn’t have to identify with a party.

“A lot of people from both parties didn’t run because they don’t want to label themselves,” Hansen said.

Some Democrats said they didn’t shy away from their party.

“As much as I enjoy partisan bickering, this isn’t the place for it,” said Councilman Allen “Woody” Woodwick, who is also vice chair of Hill County Democrats.

In other business at Monday night’s council meeting, Bear Paw Credit Union was given unanimous approval to close 7th Avenue between 4th and 5th streets on Wednesday, July 10, in conjunction with the annual Youth Day celebrations at Pepin Park.

“That’s a nonpartisan issue,” Woodwick quipped.


Reader Comments(2)

MzMontana writes:

I am delighted in the common sense being shown by the council. I think more people would be willing to run if they would not have to be associated with either party. Being an independent keeps a person from being beholden to a certain ideology and allows him/her to equally represent the residents of the ward where he/she lives.

jim writes:

What are you democrats on the council thinking? We have a majority and need to keep it that way. If the republicans are ashamed to file under their own party then they don't deserve to be in office. You guys have shamed the name of the likes of Jim Pasma and Ray Peck. What a bunch of chowder heads