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Datko files for city council

The first of an expected slew of last-minute Havre candidates filed for a city council race this morning.

Former Havre Daily News managing editor Karen Datko filed as a Democrat in the race for Ward 4. She faces Republican candidate John R. “Bob” Waldron in that race.

The filing left, at noon, three races — mayor, a four-year city council term in Ward 1 and a two-year term in Ward 3 — with no candidates and incumbent Democratic candidates Jay Pyette and Janet Trethewey running unopposed for four-year terms in Wards 3 and 2, respectively. Hill County Justice Court Clerk Virginia Seigel was running unopposed in the nonpartisan city judge race.

The deadline for filing is 5 this afternoon. Watch Havre Daily tweets and website updates for developments.


Reader Comments(1)

Amazing writes:

Karen Datko? Are you serious?

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