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For some time, urban tribal members have sat in silence, listening to and reading news media reports about complaints, whistle blowing and investigations that include Ken Blatt's high profile public statements of indictments as well as challenging the council action to terminate him for cause.
I have known Ken for some time. He is a product of Moccasin Hats in Helena. He is an enrolled member of the tribe. We haven't dug into who enrolled him the the tribe. He is an established auto mechanic. Known to have a forceful personality and to be argumentative. He lacks respect for authority.
As the battle goes on, he has some tribal members rattled up, where these cronies have taken liberty to write a lengthy letter directed to the health board chair, Ted Whitford, demanding immediate action to terminate their supervisor. Fawn Parker is Native American and has Indian preference. She is the CEO of the Rocky Boy Indian Health Center — she is strapped with government regulations. The program element is a PL 93-638 contract. Since the federal government is a large employer, it has appeal rights and grievance procedures are actively in place.
Seemingly, as sequester tightens up within congressional budgets, feds have tightened up their belts, and this is filtering down to the tribes. That is why it is essential to maintain contact with Sen. Tester and other congressional staff people. It was wrong for Ken to pit down his own agenda — without council approval and to allegedly harass employees, alleged financial misconduct, supposed unauthorized expenditures and unfair employment practices. This was the beginning of the rise and fall of Ken Blatt.
Fostering his reliance on his appointed judge and trying to circumvent a 47-year-old ordinance is beyond our comprehension. This ordinance is a permanent rule of law. This act was signed by Joe Demotiney and Bill Morsette. Both were combat veterans of World War II. Their actions and leadership and have improved the lives of citizens on the rez, including Blatt. My Uncle Joe was a strong advocate of Indian self-determination and self-government. He spearheaded the tribe's shift to controlling its own natural resources and was instrumental in securing better housing on the rez. Both leaders were caring and effective. They did so much before they departed.
I cannot end this statement without mentioning that Ken Blatt has had a good life on the reservation. He has moved on to a more lucrative profession as a building contractor on the rez. One thing is, Ken has made millions on 638 projects on the rez. We will not know how much until a complete audit is made on each project he did on the reservation. In addition, did he provide a low bid and did he have a performance bond?
Since Ken Blatt has aggressively enticed the feds to investigate for misuse of federal funds, the tribe needs to put tribal attorneys on the front burner to provide a good audit.
(Glen Stump is an enrolled member of the Chippewa Cree Tribe. He lives in New Mexico. He and his brothers are great-great grandsons of Chief Rocky Boy.)
Reader Comments(12)
notblinded writes:
I think you described Kenny and his lively hood to a T. Kenny's supporters are his family and people who think they are following a man who cares about the community. This is a never ending cycle with our tribal leaders. The people will never be satisfied with their decisions and especially the personal choices made in their lives. The people have to have faith in our government and trust those we elected. There will never be the perfect nine, but we got this far and our tribe will prevail.
06/22/2013, 8:32 am
hugsdamoose writes:
hief Rocky Boy,died childless,and did not survive the creation of the Reservation. Most of his followers left after,seeing the enrollment logs,that,most of those enrolled,were either Metis'or Canadian Crees. The remaining Chippewas moved back to either,Great Falls or Helena.Pretty much,for the Great Grandson argument. Everyone should study a bit on our history,so facts can get reported accurately,and not get twisted,merely for the sake of argument.
06/11/2013, 4:04 pm
TiredandAngry writes:
Thank you Glen for the opinion. There are many people who are swayed by this bully, and its because of the federal investigations that have opened up. But again like you say, he made millions from the tribe with his own contracts. So what about his past when he made millions from his extracurricular activities? Doesn't that count for something? Tax evasion? What are the statute of limitations?
06/04/2013, 9:26 am
tools writes:
Finally A man has stood up for the people in regards to the financial reports and gets illegally removed. And if the tribal council had control of the finances we won't be in this wrongful, misconduct and stealing our tribes money. Thanks Mr. Blatt.
06/04/2013, 8:02 am
Really writes:
COME ON- Why should anyone who left the rez want to go back? This is the reason, why you still there watching it crumble. It's a free country to voice or write your opinions. COME ON now think before you write. Why be so against others who voice their opinions? You don't have to live in Rocky Boy to hear whats going on there, there are relative, news, facebook, and internet where you hear all this corruption going on there. and it is not only Rocky boy doing this.
06/04/2013, 7:22 am
splendid writes:
Why should the constitution be challenged in this instance and thrown out for Kenny Blatt's convenience? If he had any respect for authority and those who served before him he would honor the constitution and take himself out. That shows you right there how manipulative of a person he is, on top of the fact that he keeps mentally abusing this appointed judge to rule in his favor. Any other councilperson less of a crybaby and whistleblower headache would just let it be. Shut up and go away Ken
06/04/2013, 7:19 am
amy writes:
ah-wuss Glen LOL
06/04/2013, 6:55 am
sum1sgngdry writes:
It sounds like you lost your financial teet your council man is gone!!!! a big LOL from a Moccossin Hat Indian.
06/03/2013, 7:23 pm
hmm writes:
havre daily news should stick with what they know. havre news. after all, it is called havre daily news right? not rocky boy news.
06/03/2013, 12:35 pm
bigdaddy1 writes:
Aho! Thank You for giving me this insight into this monster's background. My family will not be voting for him again anytime soon.
06/03/2013, 12:10 pm
Martian211 writes:
Without actually being here and seeing what is going on, you can never know what is actually going down. Kenny needs to be audited, for sure. But so should every other department including the project directors themselves. Will it ever happen? no. Kenny opened a can of worms that is eventually going to result in him being federally charged as well, its just a matter of time. Now how 'bout getting some TWRD, Social Services, and Housing audits; by an outside entity not affiliated with the tribe.
06/03/2013, 11:55 am
comeon writes:
hmmmm....just wondering how much you got paid to write this??? is John Demontiney behind this dont make your home here so why would you know whats going on here???? come home and watch as the rez crumbles from all the embezzling..and how our old people are getting lied to daily..the indictments are not a lie come on now, know what your writing before you post your opinion
06/03/2013, 10:34 am