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Position opens on Park Board

Hill County Commission accepting nominations until June 24

The Hill County Commission is looking to appoint a new member to the county’s Park Board.

Board member Mel Gomke is retiring after 12 years. The person appointed will serve out the remainder of his term, ending May 1, 2014.

The board oversees operations of county parks, including three parks in North Havre, the swimming pool in Hingham and parks in Kremlin, Gildford and Rudyard as well as the 10,000-acre Beaver Creek Park south of Havre.

The commission said in a press release that it will accept suggestions for the next member of the board through 5 p.m. June 24. The appointment to the board will be made after that date.

The board comprises nine members, three of which are the Hill County commissioners. The commissioners appoint six more members, who serve three-year terms in a staggered rotation. The leadership of the board is selected at a meeting each spring.

The board meets once a month to conduct its business.

For more information about the appointment and on the activities of the park board, people can contact the Hill County Commission at 265-5481.


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