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Roe v. Wade: Not all laws are right


On this anniversary of Roe v. Wade, let's remember that all legal laws are no always right — freedom to choose. To choose what? To end a life.

Let us thank and remember in prayer all those who are choosing not to end life for their unborn children.

The following is taken, with permission, from Profile Across America.


Did You Know?

  • 18 days old: a baby's heart begins to beat;
  • 43 days: the brain coordinates movements;
  • 8 weeks: all organs are functioning;
  • 9 weeks: has permanent, individual fingerprints;
  • 10 weeks: sense of ouch (comfort/pain);
  • 12 weeks: a baby can smile, suck his/her thumb, and make a fist;
  • Adoption: over 2 million couples wait to adopt — and that includes children of all races and those with special needs.


Any textbook will confirm what every doctor knows: Life begins at conception.

Let us also remember in prayer those who are confused about when life begins. Go to www. to learn more.

Forty Days for Life will again start during the upcoming Lenten season. Be a part of this prayer group and save our little ones. Go to for more information.

Thank you for reading this.


Johanna Kato



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