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Anyone who reads the news has seen the many Republican presidential candidates stump-speaking about reducing regulations and being pro-business. While that's a good message, it's at the local level that government can more directly impact the effect of regulations. Presidents have to wade through huge bureaucracies and agencies to accomplish anything. A governor, however, has the power to immediately and directly impact the lives of people.
I'm supporting Corey Stapleton for governor because he has what it takes to help get government out of our lives. With his experience in the Navy and Montana Legislature, he knows how government works. And with his experience in the private business sector, he knows how burdensome regulations can be. We need to be able to control wolves at the state level, increase natural resource development, get loggers back to work in the timber industry, support Montana farmers and agriculture, and use our land how we want to.
Corey says he'd start reducing regulations by making Montana "regionally equivalent" to neighboring states. That's common sense. Why would companies come to Montana or stay in Montana when North Dakota and Wyoming are more friendly towards business? If we want jobs, we need to reduce regulations. I support Corey because he has the knowledge and experience to do that.
Courtney Brush
Miles City
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