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Why we support Ken Miller for governor


Ken Miller puts God first. So do we. He walks the talk.

Ken Miller is 100 percent pro-life at all stages of life. So are we.

Ken Miller will stand up to the burgeoning federal government. So do we. He will govern Montana from within our beloved state, as dictated by Montanans, and not be a bedfellow with Washington, D.C., bureaucrats.

Ken Miller will stand with other constitutionally minded governors — like Jan Brewer of Arizona — protecting our national borders. So do we.

Ken Miller will reform Montana's education system: focusing on quality and accountability Montana-style, not Washington, D.C.- or California-style; rewarding good teachers and replacing poor teachers; and establishing alternative education opportunities. We agree.

Ken Miller will restore and protect our state's and private property rights — drawing a line in the sand against federal encroachments. We fight for the same.

Ken Miller believes in protecting our Second Amendment rights. So do we.

Ken Miller will lower taxes — not implement a sales tax like his major opponent the former congressman. Hello. We rest our case.

Check him out at, call him at (406) 670-8318 or email him at [email protected].

God bless Montana and may we elect the best candidate, Ken Miller, for the highest office in our state. Please join us in the battle.

Lisa Wamsley and family



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