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A movement is afoot to cut the number of representatives Havre has in the state House by half — from two to one. That was clear at last week's public hearing here by the Montana Districting and Apportionment Commission. Several people told the commission that Havre should have only one House seat and that the second seat should instead go to a very large rural area that extends all the way to Glasgow.
They argued that Havre and its rural residents have nothing in common and thus should be two separate House districts. I think this approach is wrong for important reasons.
Havre and its rural residents have much in common. We're connected at the hip. Why shouldn't the residents of North Havre, Gildford or Kremlin, for example, be in a House district that includes Havre, rather than a new gargantuan district that would stretch all the way to Glasgow? Hill and Blaine county residents have much more in common with Havre than they do with people so far away.
Why would Havre benefit from having only one House member? We need the two seats we have now to protect MSU-Northern from budget cuts and to fight other legislative efforts that could hurt our local economy. Would a representative elected from a totally rural and huge Hi-Line district be so inclined to fight for Havre institutions? I doubt it, particularly if the representative lives far away.
Here's what I think is going on: Republicans would like to eliminate a Havre house seat because they suspect that a new district that excludes Havre would be more likely to vote Republican. What's good for the Republican Party isn't necessarily good for all of us.
I'm supporting the Communities Plan for redistricting, which would maintain what we have now — two House districts that include portions of Havre and also rural areas on either side. I urge you to contact the commission and express your support for the Communities Plan too. Comments can be sent to [email protected], or mailed to: Montana Districting and Apportionment Commission, P.O. Box 201706, Helena MT 59260-1706, or faxed to (406) 444-3036.
Karen Datko
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