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Kaden Beck anchors Big Sandy's offensive and defensive lines, and he's anchored the Pioneers all the way to the championship game
Big Sandy's Kaden Beck, left, gets to the quarterback during a 2011 Class C Six-Man playoff game in Big Sandy. Now a senior, Beck is a three-sport star for the Pioneers, and a huge part of why Big Sandy is in Saturday's Six-Man state championship game. For more Pioneers' coverage, see Thursday and Friday's Havre Daily News.
Four years ago, as a freshman at Big Sandy, Kaden Beck came onto the Pioneer scene and has excelled ever since.
Beck has been a standout athlete for the Big Sandy football, basketball and track and field programs. He is a four-year starter on the gridiron, playing both ways for the Pioneers, as well as fulltime varsity basketball and thrower for the track team.
And as a standout offensive-defensive lineman for the Pioneers, Beck has also garnered Six-Man All-State honors the last two seasons.
But his talents don't stop in athletics. Beck is also a talented student. He has earned a perfect attendance award, been on honor roll every year, and has already looked into making college plans. It just so happens, his college plans also involve continuing to play football. The coaching staff at Montana State has already contacted Beck, and has mentioned the idea of him playing fullback of all things., for the Bobcats.
Beck has had a great career with the Pioneers over the last four years, but the most important game of his prep career still lies ahead. Saturday he and the rest of the Pioneers will play for the Class C Six-Man state title, facing Hot Springs on the road. This is the first chipper appearance for Big Sandy since 2003.
Here's five questions with Big Sandy's biggest player as he gets ready for the biggest game of his life.HDN: What does it mean to you to get to play for a state title in your senior season?
Beck: "It is pretty amazing since we haven't gotten to got to the championship at all. (The year) 2003 was the last time Big Sandy went, so this is a huge accomplishment. It is every senior's dream to go through some sort of state event."
HDN: What is the biggest difference between this year's team and teams from the past?
Beck: "I would have to say that we are very well balanced this year. This season hasn't been easy for us, and every game hasn't been a total blowout. It has been a challenge, and working together this year really pushed us out of our comfort zones and made us better."
HDN: What is the most unique thing about playing Six-Man football?
Beck: "If you have never watched it, you would quickly find out that it is very fast. If you let somebody go, there goes the game pretty much. You have to be on top of everything and know what is going on all the time in Six-Man."
HDN: Is there one thing the team can do to make sure you have the best possible shot at winning on Saturday?
Beck: "We have to encourage everybody, and have to work hard the whole game. If there is a situation where something happens like a fumble, and you get upset about it and don't get it out of your head, you just have to keep encouraging people. If you bring everybody up, you will definitely see a difference in your plays and the game overall. Being a senior, it is the leadership more than anything. We have younger kids listening to us, and now when I look back I think 'hey, maybe I should have listened to the seniors who were doing the encouraging.' But yes, I would say the leadership is very important."
HDN: How has your game transformed from when you were a freshman, to where you are now as a senior?
Beck: "I have definitely grown into a stronger player with each season, but I think we all have. Going through the different drills and just getting older, every team we faced has pushed us and made us better players."
Note: For more on Big Sandy, see Thursdya and Friday's Havre Daily.
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