Trey Simanton, left, 13, of Malta takes down Lane Paulson, 12, of Havre Tuesday afternoon at the Bear Paw Wrestling Camp at Camp Kiwanis in Beaver Creek Park. The camp began Saturday and will run through today.
Here are photos from the annual Bear Paw wrestling camp, currently being held at Camp Kiwanis south of Havre. The camp, which started on Saturdy and runs through today, is put on by Havre High head coach Scott Filius and is one of the most popular summer wrestling camps in Montana. Youth and high school wrestlers from all over Montana come to the camp because of it's unique setting and top-notch instructors.
Zachary Taylor, bottom, 12, of Great Falls gets twisted up by Henry Koch, 12, of Huntley Project Tuesday afternoon during a take-down drill at the Bear Paw Wrestling Camp at Camp Kiwanis in Beaver Creek Park. The camp, put on by Havre High head coach Scott Filius is a favorite among youth and high school wrestlers each summer. It attracts grapplers of all ages from all over Montana, and is unique in that it's set outdoors in the Bear Paw Mountains.
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