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Friends, family plan fundraiser for Christopher Patera

Christopher Patera and Frank Benjamin have been friends since Patera moved to Havre when he was in sixth grade.

Now Patera is in need of help, and Benjamin is leading the way to help him.

Patera has stomach cancer, and he has been in and out of hospitals for months, undergoing chemotherapy and surgeries.

He has been able to obtain insurance, but he still has massive medical bills to deal with, while he and his wife, Kiera Peterson Patera, raise their two daughters, ages 8 and 1 1/2.

Benjamin and some friends have planned a spaghetti feed later in January, but while they work on those plans, they have set up an account at Wells Fargo Bank where people can make donations.

"People have been asking me what they can do," he said. "This account will give them an opportunity."

People can mail the donation in or drop it off at the bank.

Benjamin said Patera have friends and relatives all over the Havre area who want to help out.

They know he still has a long way to go in fighting the disease.

He has had some of his stomach removed, and still faces more chemotherapy treatments.

Benjamin said he is glad to help out his longtime friend.

"We've always been friends. We were friends in school, we played hockey together, we got in trouble together, and we were in each other's weddings," he said. "Now, I'm glad to help out."


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