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Question: "My heating is about to be disconnected! Is there help?"
Yes. Energy Share of Montana may be able to help.
What is Energy Share? Energy Share was established by a group of concerned people representing utility companies and nonprofit agencies. The mission of Energy Share is to help households to avoid utility disconnects for heating. Energy Share is a private non-profit organization, not a government program. We do consider income, but because of our funding sources, we have a little more flexibility to help people than do most government programs.
"When does Energy Share operate?"
Energy Share is year round. The committee meets every Tuesday to review applications. If you received a disconnect notice from your vendor and you have no financial means to pay your bill before the disconnect date, don't wait. Call us before you are disconnected!
"Can I rely on Energy Share over and over again?"
Energy Share is usually a once-in-a-lifetime loan, not a yearly subsidy. Recipients are asked to repay their assistance, which in turn helps others facing similar energy emergencies. In fact, 15 percent of last year's private donations came from former Energy Share recipients!
"I'm ashamed to ask for help."
When times are tough, sometimes everyone needs a helping hand. Energy Share understands unforeseen emergencies do occur. Every Energy Share application is considered on an individual basis and determination is made in strict confidentiality and anonymously. Applications are reviewed by local committees. HRDC personnel take applications, review them for completion, and work with the committees to determine application approval.
"Is there an Energy Share application process?"
Yes, an application must be completed as well as certain documents. In order to efficiently administer our Energy Share program we still need to take applications, but the difference is every situation presented within those applications to Energy Share is considered individually. Help is given based on the need.
"How does the committee determine if my application will be approved?"
The Energy Share committee will look at the need of the household, history of paying heating bill, past assistance with repayment made, level of emergency and available funds are all factors that weigh heavily when determining who will receive Energy Share assistance.
"If I'm approved, how will my bill be paid?"
If your application is approved, Energy Share will send payment directly to the vendor (NorthWestern Energy, Hill County Electric, Big Flat Electric, etc.). The payment will be paid directly to your account.
"Where can I get an Energy Share application?"
Energy Share applications may be picked up at your tribal LIEAP office or call our office, 265-6743, and we will gladly mail you one.
Or stop by the HRDC Office, 2229 5th Ave., Havre. We are located next door to 5th Avenue Christian Church.
Sarah Singer
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