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The manager of the Hill County Fairgrounds said Tuesday that he has a price for initial work on repairing the roof of the horse barn at the fairgrounds, but it might have to take a back seat to road problems, for now.
"Something's got to be done before the fair, or even before we open the campgrounds …, " Manager Tim Solomon said. "I don't want to spend all of our money if we have a higher priority right now.
Hill County Commissioner Jeff LaVoi said he would talk to Hill County Road and Bridge Supervisor Jerry Otto, and that he understands the road department might have some milled pavement that could be used on the roads and parking.
Solomon said he also planned to see if the county department could help with the problem, adding that it would only take a few loads of milled paving to solve the problems.
He said there is a soft spot in the pavement between the food booths and the commercial building as well. Once the spot dries, it will need to be oiled or chip sealed, he said.
He said he has a quote on repairing the leaky roof on the horse barn for $16,000. The roof leaks the entire length of the building at its peak, and has other spots of leaking areas.
Solomon said the board might be able to pull $10,000 from its budget for the roof repairs, depending on the expense of repairing the roads.
Doing part of it this year and doing part of it next year is the only way it could be done, Solomon said.
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