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One of the by-products of the debt ceiling debate (debacle) was the formation of a "Super Committee" to present proposals to Congress on how to deal with our deficit. I am not optimistic this committee will succeed.
First, two other committees, Bowles/Simpson and the "Gang of Six" were formed to come up with similar recommendations. What happened with their recommendations? Nothing!
Second, the six Republicans on this Super Committee have signed the Americans for Tax Reform's pledge not to raise taxes. This pledge not only includes tax rate increases, but also closing tax loopholes.
So you have six members on the committee who have pledged not to raise taxes and want to change entitlements such as Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid (Republicans) and six members who want to protect these entitlements and close tax loopholes (Democrats).
If this isn't a recipe for more gridlock, I don't know what is. If Congress were truly interested in doing what would really help our country most, it would be listening to what the main concerns of the constituents are: jobs and the economy.
If Congress wanted to be productive, it would have formed a Super Committee made up of congressmen, business leaders and workers to focus on job creation and the economy. Instead, this Super Committee on the deficit will continue its partisan bickering and inaction. It's no wonder people hold our Congress in such low esteem.
Ed Dolezal
Great Falls
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