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The Hill County DUI Task Force made rounds on Saturday night, checking how many businesses that serve alcohol do so legally.
Of the 22 businesses that were tested, three failed the test:
According to a press release signed by Patrolman Jesse Eller, the police department will recommend that these businesses have their employees take a Responsible Alcohol Sales and Services class.
When the same checks were done in October, Gabe Matosich, then assistant police chief and current acting police chief, said that a bill in the Legislature would make the possible consequences stronger.
That bill, Senate Bill 29, passed the Legislature and was allowed to become law without Gov. Brian Schweitzer's signature the day before the tests.
Under the new law, all businesses would have to require employees to take the RASS classes within 60 days of being hired and every three years after that.
Any business that fails the test would be charged "a $50 penalty for a first offense, a $200 penalty for a second offense, and a $350 penalty for a third offense in a 3-year period. "
The remaining 19 of the tested businesses passed:
Two of the four businesses that failed last time passed this one, Hi Line Gold Casino and Golden Spike. The other two weren't tested in this round.
Four of the 14 that passed back in October were tested on Saturday and passed once again: Highland Park Zip Trip, Crystal City Casino, Montana Lil's Casino and PJ's Restaurant Lounge & Casino.
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