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Samuel J. Waldner

Samuel J. Waldner, 78, of the Hartland Colony near Havre, Montana died of cancer Tuesday May 3, 2011 in the morning. He was dearly loved by his family and friends. His wake service will begin tonight and continue through tomorrow night from 7:30 a.m. to midnight each night. With his funeral service on Thursday at 11:30 a.m. at the Hartland Colony church. Burial will follow.

Samuel was born October 12, 1932 in Alberta, Canada to Joseph and Rebecca (Wipf) Waldner. Samuel was the chicken boss for twenty four years. After retiring, he still helped out at the chicken barn until his death. Samuel had seven children and 18 grandchildren. He had seven brothers and five sisters.

He was preceded in death by his parents, brother Rev. Andrew (Katie) Waldner of Hill Dale; brother George (Susie) of Cam Rose and sister, Becky (Joe) Waldner of East End; sister, Lizabeth (John) of Spring Water and brother, Joe Waldner of Rockport, Alberta.

His survivors include his wife, Susie S. Waldner, son Ike (Mary); son Tim Waldner and daughter Lydia (Jacob); son Ron (Martha); and son Walter (Teresa); son Gary (Lydia) al of Hartland and daughter Julia (Jerry) of Sage Creek near Chester. His brothers and sisters: brother, Joseph (Marty); brother, John (Rebecca) both of Hill Dale; brother, Peter (Sara) ; daughter Sara (Dave); daughter Susie (Dave) all of East End; brother, Eli (Rebecca) of Cam Rose and sister Magdalena (Mike) of Spring Water.


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