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The Havre Daily News
Thursday, May 6
U.S. Postal carriers in Havre will join carriers around the country in the Stamp Out Hunger Drive this Saturday.
The May 8 event is sponsored by the National Association of Letter Carriers, with the support of the Expedited and Package Services division of the U.S. Postal Service.
Postal carriers will collect all food donations during their regular delivery routes Saturday, May 8. Residents are asked to leave nonperishable food donations by their mailboxes.
The local donations will be given to the HRDC domestic abuse program and the Community Giveaway House, NALC President Mark Reid of Havre said.
Well be collecting nonperishable food items like canned meats, soup, vegetables, juice, pasta, cereal, and rice, Reid said. Your letter carrier will pick it up and deliver it to the food banks. Help us help our community. Thank you.
Last year, the drive collected a total of about 4,200 pounds of food about 1,600 pounds of dry foods like spaghetti and macaroni and about 2,600 pounds of canned goods.
Havres city and rural postal carriers have been conducting the successful drive for a number of years.
People can also drop off food donations at the post office lobby Saturday or they can call the post office at 265-5581 for pick up. Or they can call Reid at his home, 265-1147, to make arrangements for pick up.
Well have trucks going around picking this stuff up, too, Reid said. A lot of times, customers clear their cupboards out and this way the (items) can be put right into a truck.
Reid asks postal customers to refrain from donating already opened items. Food containers that have already been opened cant be used and must be destroyed.
Make sure that even if you dont get mail that day that the carrier can see it and pick it up, Reid said. Put it by the box so the carrier can see it.
For more information, call the post office at 265-5581.
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